打开GitHub benefits 选择“Student”选择Student 选择您的邮箱,**如果有教育邮箱(即http://edu.cn域名...
非常简单啊,在翻译好之后,我们就可以打开申请网站:https://education.github.com/ 点击 Sign up for...
Iam a studentof(学校英文名),majoringin(专业英文名).Ihope to obtain Github student certification.Iwant to learn more knowledge and use it on Github.Ican also upload my code to the libraryforsharing.The main purpose is to learn and usethisstudent certification.Ihope Github will give you certifi...
Github的学生包里包括Github Pro及Github Copilot等Github福利。 您也可以用Github的学生认证直接认证JetBrains的学生认证。 同时也可以借由Github的学生认证申请一系列如Azure等云服务商的有期限免费额度及一些域名商为期一年的免费特定后缀域名。 详见: GitHub Student Developer Pack https://education.github.com/pack/ ...
Get the GitKraken Pro free through the GitHub Student Developer Pack! It includes GitKraken Client, CLI, Browser Extension and GitLens for VS Code + IntelliJ!
Get the GitKraken Pro free through the GitHub Student Developer Pack! It includes GitKraken Client, CLI, Browser Extension and GitLens for VS Code + IntelliJ!
关于github ..楼主大二狗,刚知道GitHub发放的教育福利Student Pack,谁知刚用学校邮箱申请就被妙拒了于是又上传了学生证,知道现在还没过审,哪位最近成功了传授点经验吧
Learn to ship software like a pro. There's no substitute for hands-on experience. But for most students, real world tools can be cost-prohibitive. That's why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends ...
1.打开GitHub Student Developer Pack,点击右上角导航栏中的"Get benefits",进入学生申请页面。 教程2.png 2.勾选Student,填写email。(推荐填写与github绑定的邮箱)接着把自己的学生证照片拍下来放到框框里面去,照片里最好附带自己的名字、学校的英文翻译。
Learn to ship software like a pro.There's no substitute for hands-on experience. But for most students, real world tools can be cost-prohibitive. That's why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends. ...