jekyll 搭建教程 Gem 安装Ruby,请访问 下载地址。 Jekyll Jekyll 是一个简单且具备博客特性的静态网站生成器。 使用以下命令安装 Jekyll。 [plaintext] $ gem install jekyll 复制 在...
该文件的更新不会及时的更新到本地网页中,需要重新编译,运行 bundle exec jekyll serve 命令。 5. 主页的github部署 确保仓库的设置被严格执行后,对github仓库进行commit和push操作, 参考引用: Jekyll Tutorial: How to Create a Static Website | Tania Rascia GitHub Pages | Websites for you and your proj...
GitHub Pages now uses GitHub Actions to execute the Jekyll build. When using a branch as the source of your build, GitHub Actions must be enabled in your repository if you want to use the built-in Jekyll workflow. Alternatively, if GitHub Actions is unavailable or disabled, adding a .nojeky...
$ rvm install 2.2.1 # inside `codebar/tutorials` folder $ rvm gemset use codebar-tutorial --create $ gem install bundler -v 1.17.3 $ bundle install $ jekyll serve # go to If you also want to make changes to the JavaScript of the site, you'll need to ha...
Pages Help You get one site per GitHub account and organization, and unlimited project sites. Let‘s get started. User or organization site Project site Create a repository Head over toGitHubandcreate a new public, whereusernameis your username (or organization nam...
博客必须存放在source/_posts目录下,并且满足Jekyll的命名规范:YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.markdown。 1 . 用rake new_post["Title of the post"]自动生成一个新的符合命名规范的博文。注意这里的标题不能有中文。 2 . 这个自动生成的文件的开头如下:
A simple, clean, and responsiveJekylltheme for academics. User community The vibrant community ofal-foliousers is growing! Academics around the world use this theme for their homepages, blogs, lab pages, as well as webpages for courses, workshops, conferences, meetups, and more. Check out th...