GitHub Pages 是直接从 GitHub 存储库托管的静态站点,但它们不仅仅是静态文件的集合。 通过利用 Jekyll 和 Liquid 等网站生成技术,开发人员可定义被处理为完整静态网站的动态模板。 每次将更改提交到与网站关联的源分支时,该网站都会使用最新更新重新生成该更改,并自动将其发布到目标 URL。 Popular repositoriesLoading minimalminimalPublic Minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages SCSS1.6k6.1k caymancaymanPublic Cayman is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages SCSS1.2k3.2k hackerhackerPublic
Minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages. You can preview the theme to see what it looks like, or even use it today. Usage To use the Minimal theme: Add the following to your site's _config.yml: remote_theme: pages-themes/minimal@v0.2.0 plugins: - jekyll-remote-theme # add this...
[top] theme: name: material # [切换日间模式和夜间模式] # palette: # 日间模式 - scheme: default # 主颜色 # ...
若要使用支持的主题,请键入 theme: THEME-NAME,将 THEME-NAME 替换为主题仓库(大多数主题遵循 jekyll-theme-NAME 命名约定)的 _config.yml 中显示的主题名称。 有关支持主题的列表,请参阅 GitHub Pages 站点上的支持主题。 例如,若要选择 Minimal 主题,请键入 theme: jekyll-theme-minimal。 若要使用在...
GitHub Pages Learn more about Career Readiness Tools Aspiring Creatives Working on a creative project? Develop your design and collaboration skills to get your clever intentions off the ground. Unleash your originality and start to tinker with the Aspiring Creatives Experience. ...
From your personal dashboard, you can keep track of issues and pull requests you're following or working on, navigate to your top repositories and team pages, and learn about recent activity in repositories you're watching or participating in. You can also discover new repositories, which are...
方式一,利用 hexo 5.x 以及更高版本的特性,推荐使用 npm 工具直接部署 :npm install hexo-theme-next ,主题部署目录保存在 blog 目录中 node_modules\hexo-theme-next 。 方式二,利用 Git 工具部署:git clone themes/next ,正常部署 hexo 会生成 themes 目录...
_build/html目录下的内容(不包括这个目录本身)上传到 GitHub 新建的reposiory中,点击settings,后选择pages,然后进行分支的选择(如果是新建的reposiory,则选择main\root) 注意!!!在main\root目录下需要添加.nojekyll文件空文件: 由于GitHub Pages默认使用Jekyll来构建网站, ...
There are 100s of pages of written documentation and 100s of example programs that will help you be effective very quickly. Rather than requiring days or weeks of investment to learn a single GUI package, you may be able to complete your project in a single afternoon when using PySimpleGUI...