I have a repo for which GitHub pages was deploying successfully and then began to fail for the last two commits. Inspecting the commit history, I see The failed check fails on the step "Deploy to GitHub Pages" and the log shows Current status: deployment_in_progress Current status: deployme...
🚀 Automatically deploy your project to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. This action can be configured to push your production-ready code into any branch you'd like. - JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action
Cloud Studio代码运行 name:Deploy Hugo Site to Github Pages on Master Branchon:push:branches:-masterjobs:build-deploy:runs-on:ubuntu-18.04steps:-uses:actions/checkout@v1 # v2 does not have submodules option now #with:# submodules:true-name:Setup Hugouses:peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2with:hugo-v...
If Jekyll encounters an error building your GitHub Pages site locally or on GitHub, you'll receive an error message with more information.
Deploying GitHub Pages artifacts The deploy-pages action handles the necessary setup for deploying artifacts. To ensure proper functionality, the following requirements should be met: The job must have a minimum of pages: write and id-token: write permissions. The needs parameter must be set to ...
Deploying to GitHub Pages First, create a new repository in GitHub and push your nuxt app to it. Now, open your nuxt.config.js file and add the following configuration to the export default object. nuxt.config.js export default { mode: 'static', router: { base: '/your-github-repository...
将.vitepress/dist 的内容提交到代码仓库的 gh-pages 分支(对于具有项目网站的存储库) 登录github 仓库,参考下图进行配置 更多细节可查看:VitePress-Deploying a Static Site 配置百度统计 此部分为可选 通过接入百度统计平台,能够分析网站的流量。 进入百度统计首页,登录(如无账号请先注册) 新建站点(填写 github 分...
部署Github Pages 在Github上新建两个仓库: 一个放完整的项目 一个放项目build后的生成的dist文件夹里的内容(这个项目命名要按照用户名.github.io的格式) 2. 打开名为用户名.github.io的项目 一般情况按下图进行配置即可 然后稍等一下下就可以打开https://aqin1012.github.io/查看啦Σ(~。~ノ)ノ ...
INFO Deploying: git INFO Clearing .deploy_git folder... INFO Copying files from public folder... 稍等一会,在浏览器访问网址:https://你的用户名.github.io就会看到你的博客了 https://LIZEJU.github.io- 修改github仓库名 https://LIZEJU.github.io ...
如下是一个常用脚本,会自动构建静态页面,然后提交构建出来的 docs 静态页面目录,将其推送到对应 Github Pages 项目中 代码语言:txt 复制 #!/bin/sh # If a command fails then the deploy stops set -e printf "\033[0;32mDeploying updates to GitHub...\033[0m\n" ...