1 、在gitee、或github设置设置gitxx pages 2、修改react中package.json 添加"homepage": "",根据实际域名 在script 中添加 "predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build" 3、命令行运行npm run deploy(确保npm run biuld可以正常),远程仓库中会生成一个新...
这一步就不具体细说了,读者可git add. git commit push等相关操作把自己的本地代码上传到仓库即可。 4.修改本地React项目的 package.json文件 {"name":"zsjw","version":"0.1.0","homepage":"","private":true,"dependencies":{"antd-mobile":"^2.2.8","react":"^16.7....
GuestBell Hotel App - ReactPage is used as CMS for hotel landing pages. Veloplus Online Shop - ReactPage is used to create and display any content page (and the landing page as well) Bike2School - A project to promote going to school by bike. It uses ReactPage for content editing. ...
ReactPage is a smart, extensible and modern editor ("WYSIWYG") for the web written in React. If you are fed up with the limitations ofcontenteditable, you are in the right place. Install yarn add @react-page/editor or npm install --save @react-page/editor ...
效果地址: 前言 GitHub 账号 与它的 pages 服务 不需要任何准备的东西,服务器?域名?前端工程师? 都不需要!只需要你有 就能够享受到建立自己网站的乐趣。 飞冰 现在搭配飞冰,还能让你一键生成你喜欢的页面:最最主要的是,你的这个项目是一个 React App,你可以边学前端边改...
先全局安装create-react-app脚手架cnpm install create-react-app -g 全局安装yarn工具yarn npm install -g yarn 生成一个react开发模板在eleme目录create-react-app eleme 当我们要进行二次配置的时候,需要找到node_modules文件夹里的react-scripts进行配置,当我们执行yarn eject就可以将配置文件抽出,方便开发配置。
functionApp(){ return( Github Pages Deploying React to Github ); } exportdefaultApp; Add Routing To add routing to your application, first, installreact-router-dom: npminstallreact-router-dom In App.js, add the link to the about page: import{ Link }from"react-router-dom"...
Scrimba is an interactive learning platform for frontend developers. Offers Offer Level up your coding skills with interactive courses, projects, and challenges. Learn JavaScript, CSS, React, Python, and more. Enjoy 1 month of free access to Full access to Scrimba’s Pro courses, projects, and...
# 这里改成想要参考的页面URL='http://localhost:9000/page.html'defrun():p=Processor()p.process(URL)# 输出INlink的css的简化前和简化后的css代码print("INLINES ".ljust(79,'-'))foreachinp.inlines:print("On line %s"%each.line)print('- '*40)print("BEFORE")print(each.before)print('- '...