OpenVINO for Smart City OpenVINO Driver Behavior OpenVINO Python* Notebooks How to Contribute We welcome community contributions to the Open Model Zoo repository. If you have an idea how to improve the product, please share it with us doing the following steps: ...
OpenVINO Python* Notebooks How to Contribute We welcome community contributions to the Open Model Zoo repository. If you have an idea how to improve the product, please share it with us doing the following steps: Make sure you can build the product and run all the demos with your patch. In...
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git clone export OTE_DIR=`pwd`/training_extensions Clone Open Model Zoo repository to run demos: git clone --branch 2021.4.2 export OMZ_DIR=`pwd`/open_model_zoo Change directory to ...
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Check There is a Caffe's prototxt. > I want to use
·Model Zoo· @v5lite-e: @v5lite-s: @v5lite-c: @v5lite-g: Download Link: v5lite-s model: TFLite Float32, Float16, INT8, Dynamic range quantization, ONNX, TFJS, TensorRT, OpenVINO IR FP32/FP16, Myriad Inference Engin Blob, CoreML ...
Model Zoo How to Train How to Deploy Export model to ONNX Run NanoDet in C++ with inference libraries ncnn OpenVINO MNN Run NanoDet on Android Citation Thanks NanoDet-Plus Super fast and high accuracy lightweight anchor-free object detection model. Real-time on mobile devices. ⚡Super light...
OpenVINO Driver Behavior OpenVINO Python* Notebooks How to Contribute We welcome community contributions to the Open Model Zoo repository. If you have an idea how to improve the product, please share it with us doing the following steps: Make sure you can build the product and run all the dem...
Open Model Zoo is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0. Telemetry OpenVINO™ collects software performance and usage data for the purpose of improving OpenVINO™ tools. This data is collected directly by OpenVINO™ or through the use of Google Analytics 4. You can opt-out at any time...