Navigate to the UnrealModLoader_V2.2.1 sub fodler inside the Space Monkey install folder. Launch UnrealEngineModLauncher.exe Launch Dakar Desert Rally Tiny Combat Arena Usage Load the game. Go to the main interface of Space Monkey and select a main config for Tiny Combat Arena.. ...
adb -d shell monkey -p com.amazmod.service 1 > NUL Check your smartwatch screen, the widget should be open Go to the app in the phone and make it visible Alternatively, you can use the EXE installers provided with each release, that will allow you to use a wizzard for a more conven...
Qrcode Monkey Integrate custom and unique looking QR codes into your system or workflow No Yes Unknown QuickChart Generate chart and graph images No Yes Yes Random Stuff Can be used to get AI Response, jokes, memes, and much more at lightning-fast speed apiKey Yes Yes Rejax Reverse AJAX ...
[568星][7m] [Objective-C] rpetrich/captainhook Common hooking/monkey patching headers for Objective-C on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. MIT licensed [530星][1y] [Objective-C++] davidgoldman/inspectivec objc_msgSend hook for debugging/inspection purposes. [509星][11d] [C] mohuihui/antispy AntiS...
javascriptchromemoviesanimationtmdbtorrent-filesimdbtvdbmediainfotrackerstvmazedouban-movieprivate-trackergreasyforkdouban-bookunit3dpicture-uploaddouban-musictempermonkey UpdatedNov 30, 2024 JavaScript Platform to audit trackers used by Android application ...
by @DorkDad141 based on @Agoraaa's mod Increase Shop Size - Increase cards that are sold in the shop by 2. by @MonkeyHiko IncreaseJokerCap - Increase Base Joker Capacity. by @Akita Attribute IncreaseSoulProbability - Increase Soul Spectral Card Probability To Spawn. by @Akita Attribute In...
MMM-ModuleMonkeyPatch MMRIZE On running-time monkey patch for other module. MMM-ModuleScheduler ianperrin Create schedules to control when other modules are shown, hidden or dimmed and to send notifications to other modules. MMM-ModuleToggleButton balassy Shows or hides other modules when a momenta...
A vite plugin server and build your.user.js for userscript engine like Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, ScriptCat - vite-plugin-monkey/pnpm-lock.yaml at dev · lisonge/vite-plugin-monkey
Fixed screen corruption (and sometimes even crashes) in Mac Loom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, most noticeably when using menu shortcut keys. Fixed enabling/disabling of Open and Save in Mac Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Implemented old-style Macintosh GUI for: Monkey Island 1...
jamesmontemagno/monkey-cache - Easily cache any data structure for a specific amount of time in any .NET application.PeterKottas/DotNetCore.WindowsService - Simple library that allows one to host dot net core application as windows services. Perfect solution to power micro-services architecture....