commit_committer_name =Column(String(255, 'utf8mb3_unicode_ci'), nullable=False, info='commit信息') commit_committer_date =Column(Integer,nullable=False,info='时间') # commit_file =Column(String(255, 'utf8mb3_unicode_ci'), nullable=False, info='标题') # commit_status =Column(String(25...
Rebasing allows you to change a series of commits and can modify the order of the commits in your timeline. For more information, seeAbout Git rebase. About commit branches and tag labels You can see which branch a commit is on by looking at the labels beneath the commit on the commit ...
,然后同 1 这里还有一个好处是,commit log 里面的#XXGitHub 会显示成指向对应 Issue 的链接,对应地 Issue 里面也会出现这条 Issue 被哪个 commit 引用的提示。 更屌炸天的是,类似fixed #XX这样的,GitHub 还会自动帮你把那条 Issue 给 close 掉。 其实最重要一点,commit log 是给人类看的,说清楚就好,不必...
If the implementation package uses ESM and specifies "type": "module", then you should modify package.json to match: { "type": "module" } This also applies if the implementation package has exports in its package.json. Peer dependencies Definitely Typed allows peerDependencies in package.json....
but just the length of the message, the exclusive-or of the message's current CRC and the desired new CRC, and a set of bit locations in the message to potentially modify.spoofwill then deliver a subset of those locations whose bits should be inverted. The modified message will then have...
{ "message": "Job queued to rename organization. It may take a few minutes to complete.", "url": "https://<hostname>/api/v3/organizations/1" } Organization pre-receive hooks The Organization Pre-receive Hooks API allows you to view and modify enforcement of the pre-receive hooks that...
Can Maintainer Modify Pull Request? maintainer_can_modify boolean Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request. Pull Request Commits Count commits integer The number of commits in this pull request. Pull Request Additions Count additions integer The number of additions in this pull...
Every time you send changes to GitHub via the command line, you'll need to type your password to prove that you have permission to modify the repository. This can get annoying quickly, so many people like to set up password caching, which will let you type your password once and have it...
The git commit –amend command lets youmodify your last commit. You can change your log message and the files that appear in the commit. 修改你最近一次提交可能是所有修改历史提交的操作中最常见的一个。对于你的最近一次提交,你往往想做两件事情:简单地修改提交信息, 或者通过添加、移除或修改文件来更...
Github上gitcommit提交注释的规范 例如注释有这样的(转载)⼀般情况下,提交 GIT 时的注释可以分成⼏类,可以⽤⼏个动词开始:Added ( 新加⼊的需求 )Fixed ( 修复 bug )Changed ( 完成的任务 )Updated ( 完成的任务,或者由于第三⽅模块变化⽽做的变化 )尽量将注释缩减为⼀句话,不要包含详细的...