markdown-it-emojiPublic Emoji syntax plugin for markdown-it markdown parser JavaScript726MIT16632UpdatedMay 14, 2024 markdown-it-cjk-breaksPublic Suppress linebreaks between east asian characters markdown-it.github.ioPublic markdown-it demo
URL utilities formarkdown-itparser. API .encode(str [, exclude, keepEncoded]) -> String Percent-encode a string, avoiding double encoding. Don't touch/a-zA-Z0-9/+ excluded chars +/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/(if not disabled). Broken surrorates are replaced withU+FFFD. ...
//,// Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled,// and smartquotes on. Could be either a String or an Array./// For example, you can use '«»„“' for Russian,...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for markdown-it-texmath. markdown-it extension for rendering TeX Math
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for markdown-it-latex2img. Latex plugin for markdown-it markdown parser.
GitHub uses what we're calling "GitHub Flavored Markdown" (GFM) for messages, issues, and comments. It differs from standard Markdown (SM) in a few significant ways and adds some additional functionality. GitHub 使用一种被称为“GitHub 风格的 Markdown 语法”(GFM)来书写版本注释、Issue 和评论...
写markdown用于Github上readme.md文件 Markdown文档地址 Markdown还有一系列衍生版本,用于扩展Markdown的功能(如表格、脚注、内嵌HTML等等),这些功能原初的Markdown尚不具备,同时,也能让Markdown转换成更多的格式,例如LaTeX,Docbook。Markdown增强版中比较有名的有Markdown Extra、...
/bin/bash # FileName: # Description: Synchronize markdown articles with github, convert to html files using Pelican, deliver it to nginx environment. # Simple Usage: ./ "commit_comments" # Crontab Usage: 00 01 * * * /mydata/backups/bak_...
一款好用的markdown md文件浏览器,可编写,可预览,md文件打开神器,学习IT语雀文档与github必备资源。 上传者:u010575833时间:2024-06-02 markdown-pdf atom编辑器的markdown文件转pdf文件,可以通过插件完成转换,亲测可用。 上传者:hey___man时间:2018-03-20 ...
On module level you provide markdown for it, like: ~/axc/plugins/zodb_sub $ cat|head"""# Fetch and push ZODB trees## ACTION: < info | pull | push | merge | dump | serve>- info: Requests server availability information(...) ...