you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes: <blockquote> <p>For example.</p> </blockquote> 输出HTML为: <p>If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict, you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:</p> <pre><code><blockquote> <p>For example.</...
Run Codedown: Usage: codedown <lang> [...] Options: --separator <separator line> --section <section number> Example: cat | codedown haskell --separator=--- --section 1.3 Codedown reads Markdown from stin, extracts the code blocks designated as language<lang>, and outputs...
mdrip is a markdown code block extractor. To install, see INSTALL. To extract and print all code blocks below your current directory: mdrip print . Pipe that into /bin/bash -e to have the effect of a test, or for cleaner output try the test command: mdrip test . This fails onl...
Markdown converts text with four spaces at the front of each line to code blocks. GFM supports that, but we also support fenced blocks. Just wrap your code blocks in```and you won't need to indent manually to trigger a code block. Markdown 会把每行前面空四格的文本转换为代码块。GFM ...
For example, to syntax highlight Ruby code: ```ruby require 'redcarpet' markdown ="Hello World!") puts markdown.to_html ``` This will display the code block with syntax highlighting: Tip When you create a fenced code block that you also want to have syntax ...
```ruby require 'redcarpet' markdown ="Hello World!") puts markdown.to_html ``` This will display the code block with syntax highlighting: Tip When you create a fenced code block that you also want to have syntax highlighting on a GitHub Pages site, use lower-case lang...
If the line you're trying to ignore is in a code block, you can ignore the code block by surrounding it with the following comments. <!-- markdownlint-disable MD011 --> ``` (^|/)[Cc]+odespace/ ``` <!-- markdownlint-enable MD011 --> You can use these comments to enable...
You can write a footnote right after your reference to the footnote, and the footnote will still render at the bottom of the Markdown. Footnotes are not supported in wikis. Alerts Alerts are a Markdown extension based on the blockquote syntax that you can use to emphasize critical ...
intellij-markdown Multiplatform Markdown processor written in Kotlin Introduction intellij-markdownis an extensible markdown processor. It aims to suit the following needs: Use one code base for both client and server-side processing; Produce consistent output on different platforms; ...
在github上写作,一般采用.md文件。该文件采用Markdown语法。Markdown 是一种易于读取和编写的语言,用于设置纯文本格式,可以让自己的文档美观的同时,具备良好的可读性。 下面用一些示例来介绍Markdown的基本语法,作为Markdown写作的指南。 1. 创建.md文件