in this line: M 2 +- main.go 2024-05-01 Bill Mill fix: remove comment I added for screenshot purposes fix: remove comment... ought to be a hyperlink to that commit on github, if this repo has a github remote. Do this without breaking the...
We've all done it---we excitedly push a commit to solve an issue, leave a useful comment like "doh!", and then forget to reference the Github issue number.
Linking a pull request to an issue using a keyword You can link a pull request to an issue by using a supported keyword in the pull request's description or in a commit message. The pull request must be on the default branch. close closes closed fix fixes fixed resolve resolves resolved...
However, there’s one feature from GitLens that I really miss: when a repository is linked to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or other remote providers, GitLens displayed a small globe icon in the hover message. Clicking the icon would open the corresponding commit on the remote platform. This...
Opening an issue from code Creating a permanent link to a code snippet About task lists File attachments on issues and pull requests Assigning issues and pull requests to other GitHub users Viewing all of your issues and pull requests Disabling issues ...
The commit author can resolve this issue by setting their email address as private. Their commits are then attributed to <username>, and the imported commits are associated with their GitHub account.Attributing commits using an email address...
To easily add this context, we have added completion suggestions for issues and users. In the Git commit textbox, you can format your issue completion with the githubIssues.issueCompletionFormatScm setting. In Markdown files, issues complete as a Markdown link, and in other files, issues ...
Use the new “Add AI Generated Commit Message” sparkle pen icon in the Git Changes window to generate a suggestion. GitHub Copilot will look at the file changes in your commit, summarize them, and then describe each change. You can then “Insert AI Suggestion” or “Discard.” ...
If Visual Studio Code prompts you to automatically stage all of your changes and commit them directly, select Yes. Enter a commit message such as api changes Open the command palette by pressing F1 Type and select Git: Push If you're prompted with the message The branch 'api' has no ...
URL のコミット commit.url string コミットの URL。 作成者 GitUser Git の作成者/コミッター情報のメタプロパティ。 コミッター commit.committer GitUser Git の作成者/コミッター情報のメタプロパティ。 コミット メッセージ commit.message string コミット メッセージ。 コメ...