template=pr-template-1.md,调用名为pr-template-1.md的模版。如果不带此参数,则调用默认模版。 title=New+bug+report(或者title=New%20bug%20report),指定 pull request 的标题为New bug report 其他参数可详见帮助文档:https://help.github.com/articles/about-automation-for-issues-and-pull-requests-with-q...
Pull requests pull requests统计触发条件: 在fork的仓库提交了代码之后,创建了一个pull request请求之后。 Code review pull requests之后,在仓库的管理者界面会看到pr请求,管理者查看代码变更,点击review changes界面,必须填写备注说明后提交; 这时,仓库管理者产生了一个code review类型的contribution。 Issues 当用户在...
The Issues and Pull Request dashboards list the open issues and pull requests you've created. You can use them to update items that have gone stale, close them, or keep track of where you've been mentioned across all repositories—including those you're not subscribed...
To open the pull requests box, turn to page 75. Realizing that your boss may be looking over your shoulder, you quickly hit the BOSS key. Page 37 A Bottomless Pit You take a deep breath and open the box labeled issues. The size of the box's interior surprises you. As you look into...
本文隐藏内容登陆后才可以浏览 这样,你就成为了这个开源项目的贡献者之一了。这就是在 GitHub 上面合作的主要方式。往后,我会创建一个 GitHub 项目,让你们都参与进来,都多操作几次,也就懂了。
# 直接获取所有的html文件importthreadingfromtqdmimporttqdmimportrequestsimportrandomimporttimedefmake_request(issue_number,url):response=requests.get(url)ifresponse.status_code!=200:#print('issue_number={}|Error with status code {}'.format(issue_number,response.status_code))withopen('issues/{}.txt'...
You can see an overview of all the issues and pull requests you're subscribed to, making it easier to navigate to conversations you're interested in but have not received recent notifications about.In this article Viewing a list of your subscrip...
By default, GitHub search will return both issues and pull requests. However, you can restrict search results to just issues or pull requests using thetypeorisqualifier. QualifierExample type:prcat type:prmatches pull requests with the word "cat." ...
github pull request介绍:https://help.github.com/cn/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/merging-a-pull-request 三种合入方式介绍: Merge pull request:将fork仓库的每一次提交都合并到原仓库,并且还产生了一个merge commit log。 Squash and merge:将多个commit合并为一个commit添加到原仓库中,...
点击Create Pull Request 填写请求方采纳的评论、发送,对方目标仓库会新建Pull Requests和Issue 也可以直接在网页上,在目标仓库下,点击New pull requests,附上小段代码即可。ps:要多看大神的源代码,参与到关键性的讨论中去!! 仓库的维护 因为clone的远程仓库和原fork的远程仓库无关,需要将原仓库视为远程仓库 ...