"Pomodoro Timer" is a tool that uses the pomodoro technique "a time management technique" to help you managing your time better. - GitHub - naskio/pomodoro-timer-desktop: "Pomodoro Timer" is a tool that uses the pomodoro technique "a time management tech
splode.github.io/pomotroid/ Topics electron javascript productivity vue pomodoro pomodoro-timer electron-vue pomodoro-technique time-management Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 4.5k stars Watchers 44 watching Forks 387 forks Report repository Releases 20 v0.13.0 Latest ...
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Pomodoro Timer:这是一个番茄钟应用,帮助用户提高工作效率和时间管理。Recipe Box:这是一个食谱应用,...
ZLMediaKit / ZLToolKit Star 2k Code Issues Pull requests 一个基于C++11的轻量级网络框架,基于线程池技术可以实现大并发网络IO ssl sql network timer logger ringbuffer epoll threadpool Updated Jan 12, 2025 C++ gongjunhao / seckill Star 1.8k Code Issues Pull requests Chrome浏览器 抢购、秒杀...
Thyme - The task timer for OS X. Time to Leave - Log work hours and get notified when it's time to leave the office and start to live. ![html_icon] Timer - Simple Timer app for Mac. Toggl Desktop - Toggl Desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux. TomatoBar - Pomodoro Techniq...
vueSocketChatRoom A socket chat room using vue2.x,vuex2.x,vue-router2.x,vux2.x,socket.io vue-tetris (Use Vue, Vuex, Immutable to code Tetris) by @Binaryify: Use Vue, Vuex, Immutable to code Tetris. route-planner-vue by @Kasheftin: The tool for planning routes with multiple sortabl...
vuemodoro - Pomodoro timer as single file Vue component. digital-clock-vue - ️A digital clock simulation build on Vue. bs-vue-timeline - An alternative responsive boostrap-vue timeline simple-vue-timeline - A simple but customizable and reactive timeline vue component vue-moment - Handy Momen...
Learn Vuex by Building a Notes App on Coligo.io Vue.js Screencast Series in Spanish on Styde.net 讲解Vue.js 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube on bhnddowinf Exploring Real Time Apps with VueJS, ES2015 and Webpack on Pusher Vue.js in Bahasa Indonesia on sekolahkoding.com Building a Mob...
In Paydirt, you can start a timer from any page in one click. No fiddly menus. No navigating around. Just a start button for each task. inDinero @indinero - - QuickBooks Online - - - Xero @Xero - - Fast409A @ltse $2000 (depending on startup funding stage) The Fast409A.io ...