first extract the features for all images into a single database, then match all images in the database, then use the mapper to reconstruct sub-models from this database (using --image_list_path), then use the model_merger to merge these models. The result I get is simply: Merging rec...
I ve installed OSRM in an ubuntu 14.04 server machine. I ve extracted Greece and is working like a charm. But now i want to add Italy. Can i added seperately or i have to merge the two osm.pbf files, and exctract again the merged file?
这个阶段,事情开始变得奇妙。 当时,我和我的兄弟 Daniel 录制了一期《No Plans To Merge》。在思考如何将其变现时,我们想到了一个新颖的想法:「打赏软件」。 它的工作方式如下: 创建一个很棒的软件; 使其仅对打赏者开放,直到你积累了一定数量的打赏者; 然后将项目开源给全世界。 这是一种双赢。效果很好,几天...
github不会像其他service一样sync with cloud,比如CMD markdown就是,我现在敲击的每一句话都会立刻与云端同步。而且正因为能自动同步到云端,when you use Github, you need to choose when and how to get two version. So, since syncing doesn't happen automatically, how do we sync between the local ...
But when I tried to merge the second pull request, I got a merge conflict. You should expect to see something like the image below at the pull request when you're facing a merge conflict. Notice how GitHub disabled the merge pull request button. There's also an additional message about...
Integrate CodeScene into your pull requests to get automated code reviews, set quality gates and only merge quality code. 25+ programming languages are supported. Offers Offer A free Student account to analyze private GitHub repositories. Tags Security & analytics Developer tools Get help at ...
学习merge conflicts的解决方法 可以在github.com user interface上解决,也可以在command line或其他本地的tools上解决。 How merge conflicts happen 版本控制让你制造不断增加的代码或文件,保存到历史记录中。 Git操作就像一个线性账单。 在GitHub Flow中,首先,基于base branch创建新的分支。然后,你会增加多个提交comm...
Require merge queue. Require deployments to succeed before merging. Lock the branch by making it read-only. Restrict who can push to matching branches.Additionally, you can set branch rules that apply to everyone, including administrators. For example, you can allow force pushes...
Learn how to manage changes to your repository source by using pull requests. Overview Add to Collections Add to Plan 600 XP Settle competing commits by using merge conflict resolution on GitHub 52 min Module 5 Units Learn to settle overlapping commits across branches by using merge confli...