Addwiki is a collection of PHP libraries, packages and applications created for interacting with MediaWiki, Wikibase, Wikimedia and more. To dive in take a look at thedocs site. If you want to submit code patches to any of the repositories, then this is the place to look!
addwiki.github.ioPublic Github Pages Deployment for addwiki addwiki/’s past year of commit activity HTML1010UpdatedNov 1, 2024 addwikiPublic Monorepo containing all addwiki libraries, packages and applications addwiki/addwiki’s past year of commit activity ...
$gitclone the wiki locally Once you have cloned the wiki, you can add new files, edit existing ones, and commit your changes. You and your collaborators can create branches when working on wikis, but only changes pushed to the...
把你本地生成的密钥(~/ssh/内容复制到里面(key文本框中),点击 add key 就ok了。 测试登录:ssh -T,若成功会显示: Hi xstarcd! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. 建立Wiki GitHub Pages Basics:
"has_wiki": true, "has_downloads": true, "archived": true, "disabled": true, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "url": "", "spdx_id": "MIT", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA==", "html_url": "https://api.github...
Collection Groups - Add collections to a group and operate CRUD on them as a single entity. Data Binding (Browser Only) - Optional binding module to bind data to your DOM and have it update your page in realtime as data changes. Persistent Storage (Browser & Node.js) - Optional persist...
Addbottom_n,package_tuple_to_str, and restrictnum_workersto 1 (#17222) 3个月前 .gitignore feat: Multimodal Node (#16962) 3个月前 .pre-commit-config.yaml remove unnecessary exclude line in pre-commit-config; update docs (#17431)
登陆github系统,点击右上角的 Account Settings—->SSH Public keys —-> add another public keys 把你本地生成的密钥(~/ssh/内容复制到里面(key文本框中),点击 add key 就ok了。 测试登录: ssh -T ,若成功会显示: ...
Use composer to install the library and all its dependencies: composer require "addwiki/wikibase-datamodel:~3.0" Load require_once( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' ); External Libraries Some code, such as MediaInfo realted code is pulled in from MediaWiki extensions and can be found in...