The benefit of using the GitHub hosted runners is you don't have to take care of the infrastructure or patching of the operating system. That is all taken care of for you. Self-hosted GitHub Action Runners You can run yourown runnersif you have a need to control that side of things. ...
In the past, users' self-hosted GitHub Actions runners -- virtual machines that execute build-and-test jobs inCI/CDworkflows -- could be configured to run within Azure private networks. But runners hosted by GitHub previously had to use shared networks. Now, Actions can aut...
鉴于以上因素,在执行 taosx CI 的是时候选用了 Self-hosted runner。 注意:Self-hosted runner 并不局限在物理机或虚拟机上,可以是一个容器,也可以部署到云端。 Github-hosted runner 与 Self-hosted runner 的详细区别见Differences between GitHub-hosted and self-hosted runners。 在确定使用 Self-hosted runner...
A GitHub-hosted runner must establish connections to GitHub-owned endpoints to perform essential communication operations. In addition, your runner may require access to additional networks that you specify or utilize within an action. To ensure proper communications for GitHub-hosted runners between netw...
We do not plan to offer other Linux distributions. We recommend using Docker if you'd like to build using other distributions with the hosted runner images. Alternatively, you can leverageself-hosted runnersand fully customize your VM image to your needs. ...
Simple to use, self-hosted GitHub Action runners. Uses EC2 spot instances with configurable AutoScaling. - Ebury/terraform-aws-github-runners
You must host your own Linux, Windows, or macOS virtual machines to run workflows for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Self-hosted runners can be physical, virtual, in a container, on-premises, or in a cloud. For more information about introducing GitHub Actions to your e...
Github-Hosted Runner : 由Github官方提供和维护的Runner服务器,不需要用户自己维护和更新,有支持Linnux,Windows,macOS环境的构建 Self-Hosted Runner : 用户自己使用本地机器,云服务器安装Actions应用,用户可以自定义硬件,软件等需求 Actions 在Github Actions中有一个Action的概念,Actions是一个独立的任务,你可以组合这...
使用runners 使用GitHub-hosted runners github托管的运行程序的赋值总是只使用调用者的上下文来计算。为github托管的运行程序计费总是与调用者相关联。调用者工作流不能从被调用的存储库中使用github托管的运行程序。有关更多信息,请参见“关于github托管的跑步者”。 作者:Shaowen Chen 原文链接: