使用方法:进入入口网页Claim your GitHub Student Developer Pack · Thinkful,使用Github账号登陆后,按照网页指示操作 SymfonyCasts 通过视频教学和编码挑战学习PHP和Symfony,Github学生包可以提供3个月的免费订阅。 Free 3-month subscription for students. Yakindu 一个集成的建模环境,用于规范和开发基于状态机概念的响应...
Get the GitKraken Pro free through the GitHub Student Developer Pack! It includes GitKraken Client, CLI, Browser Extension and GitLens for VS Code + IntelliJ!
1.先点击下面的链接 Get 6 months of Educative free with GitHub for Students 2. 打开网页之后,点击下面的Verify student status. 不需要其他的信息,你就能免费上网站的很多课程啦!说明一下,这个活动不包括所有的课程。 我感觉大家最最感兴趣的,应该也是上面这门课了。但对其他课程感兴趣的同学,也别迟疑啦。
If you're a student or academic faculty and your school isn't partnered with GitHub as a GitHub Campus Program school, then you can still individually apply for discounts to use GitHub. To apply for the Student Developer Pack, see the application form. ...
Sign up for freeand take the first step toward becoming a leader in technology and innovation. How do I join the GitHub Education? As a student: If you're currently enrolled at an accredited educational institution, you can apply to become part of GitHub Education. You'll need to provide ...
free-for.dev Developers and Open Source authors now have many services offering free tiers, but finding them all takes time to make informed decisions. This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers. The scope of this particular list is ...
Start using professional developer tools with the Student Developer Pack.It’s a treasure trove of resources, free for verified students. Discover the Student Developer Pack From cloud hosting to development platforms and premium educational content, the Student Developer Pack includes dozens of partner...
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Recently announced at GitHub Universe 2022,GitHub is offering 90 hours of Codespaces to registered students for free. Students need to register with GitHub to gain access to this offer as well as access to other tools like the Student Developer pack. ...
GitHub Student Developer Pack Get all the free GitHub resources for students, including GitHub Copilot, extra Codespaces quota, and learning resources. Check out this blog if you need help getting signed up. Thanks for reading! To stay up to date with what I’m doin...