1,进入已fork的repo内(注意是进入自己copy别人的repo页面,而不是原作者的页面) 2,进入settings的options 3,页面拉到最底,在Danger Zone直接delete this repository即可。需要输入repo的名字才能确认删除,这一步实际上就是取消fork了。
git rebase upstream/master 这里rebase会覆盖你的master分支,将upstream在你fork之后的更新同步到本地,并将upstream中没有的commit(比如你自己的没有提pull request的修改)放置在顶层。 最后push到Github上,由于使用了rebase,这里需要加上-f来强制push: git push -f origin master...
$git remote -v>origin https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORK.git (fetch)>origin https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORK.git (push)>upstream https://github.com/ORIGINAL-OWNER/ORIGINAL-REPOSITORY.git (fetch)>upstream https://github.com/ORIGINAL-OWNER/ORIGINAL-REPOSITORY.git (push) Now...
在DevOps Project 中,建立以 GitHub 組織和建置存放庫命名的管線,例如 your-organization.your-repository。 然後,很明顯它們要用於哪一個存放庫。遵循此模式,您的 GitHub 存放庫和 Azure DevOps Projects 將會有相符的 URL 路徑。 例如:展開資料表 服務URL GitHub https://github.com/python/cpython Azure Dev...
1. 创建仓库(Create a Repository): – 在个人主页上点击”New repository”按钮,进入创建仓库页面。 – 输入仓库名称、描述、设置仓库的可见性(公开/私有)等信息。 – 点击“Create repository”按钮完成新建。 2. 克隆仓库(Clone a Repository): – 打开要克隆的仓库页面,复制仓库的URL。
Merging an upstream repository into your fork What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility? Discussing project details in issues and pull requests Subscribing to conversations Unsubscribing from conversations Collaborating on repositories with code quality features enabled ...
You can create a pull request to propose that maintainers incorporate the changes in your fork into the original upstream repository. For more information, see About forks. When you try to use GitHub Desktop to clone a repository that you do not have write access to, GitHub Desktop will ...
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY Press Enter to create your local clone. $ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY > Cloning into `Spoon-Knife`... > remote: Counting objects: 10, done. > remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. >...
dependencies_windowsPublicForked fromtelegramdesktop/dependencies_windows Compiled dependencies for the windows build. Unfortunately, the official repository does not allow to compile tdesktop into Release configuration in Appveyor. C++02600UpdatedAug 22, 2019...
In other words, a public repository's forks will remain public in their own separate repository network even after the upstream repository is made private. This allows the fork owners to continue to work and collaborate without interruption. If public forks were not moved into a separate n...