I test these scripts on a Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit (English) virtual machine. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Home Edition and different languages are not supported. These scripts are intended for tech-savvy administrators, who know what they are doing and just want to...
Added selenium support for scraping latest windows 10 urls Apr 6, 2020 README MIT license Windows 10 ISO CLI Downloader Python tool to download latest Windows 10 ISO direct from Microsoft through CLI. Currently, downloading Windows 10 ISOs requires the Windows installation media creator tool on Win...
sys.path.insert(0,os.path.abspath('.'))from mincss.processorimportProcessor # 这里改成想要参考的页面URL='http://localhost:9000/page.html'defrun():p=Processor()p.process(URL)# 输出INlink的css的简化前和简化后的css代码print("INLINES ".ljust(79,'-'))foreachinp.inlines:print("On line %s...
When using artifacts from a repo(private) that resides in a Github Org Azure DevOps agent fails to download artifacts. Below is the error and screenshot 2021-09-01T17:36:41.9511533Z##[command]git checkout--progress --force xxd0d3f8cxxxx33436e4f01ecff7895xxx2021-09-01T17...
curl-O-Lhttps://github.com/actions/runner/releases/download/v2.274.2/actions-runner-linux-x64-2.274.2.tar.gz tar xzf./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.274.2.tar.gz 配置Runner 在这一步中,可能需要根据提示。执行命令su root,切换到 root 用户,执行./bin/installdependencies.sh安装依赖。
An example hybrid application that runs on iOS, Android and Windows Mobile via Ionic (AngularJS + Cordova with some nice extensions) is available in this repository under the ionicExampleClient folder. See here for more details. Download NPM If you are using Node.js (or have it installed) ...
Downloads - msysgit - Git for Windows code.google.com/p/torto sourcetreeapp.com/ 然后建议再看看 git-flow --> 一个成功的Git分支模型 介绍:A successful Git branching model 翻译:juvenxu.com/2010/11/28/ 工具:nvie/gitflow · GitHub git-flow 备忘清单 最后,你若需要本地搭建一个,那就用GITLAB...
首先,你需要在你的Windows电脑上安装Git。你可以从Git的官方网站(https://git-scm.com/downloads)下载最新版本的Git。点击下载按钮后,选择适用于Windows的安装程序,并按照安装向导的指示完成安装。 步骤2:配置Git 安装完成后,打开Git Bash,这是一个用于在Windows上运行Git命令的终端。在Git Bash中,输入以下命令来配...
Download the latest Atom installer. AtomSetup.exe is 32-bit. For 64-bit systems, download AtomSetup-x64.exe. Atom will automatically update when a new release is available. You can also download atom-windows.zip (32-bit) or atom-x64-windows.zip (64-bit) from the releases page. The ...
How to install GitHub Copilot on Windows There are several steps in this process. So, follow these steps minutely. Step 1 –You have to get the latest version of the Visual Code installed on your comptuer. Step 2 –So, if you don’t have the VS Code, download the latest version ofVi...