如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持。 可以使用 GitHub 的 API 生成脚本和应用程序,这些脚本和应用程序可自动执行进程、与 GitHub 集成并扩展 GitHub。 例如,可使用 API 对问题进行会审、生成分析仪表板或者管理发布。 各个REST API 端点单独记录,端点按其主要影响的资源分类。 例如,可以在“适用于问题的 R...
从身份验证和一些端点示例开始,了解使用 REST API 的基础。 让我们逐步了解在处理一些日常用例时涉及的核心 API 概念。注意:以下指南使用 REST API 进行 GitHub.com。 使用http(s)://[hostname]/api/v3 访问GitHub Enterprise Server 的 API。 指南指定了可能在 您的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 上不存在的用...
🍐 The enterprise REST API framework. Contribute to go-goyave/goyave development by creating an account on GitHub.
For a mapping between the endpoints, see REST API endpoints for Management Console in version 3.14 of the documentation. Specify the port number when making API calls to endpoints for the Manage GitHub Enterprise Server API. If your instance uses TLS, the port number is 8443. Otherwise, the ...
Netdata Cloud• Adds enterprise-grade features (user management and RBAC, horizontal scalability, centralized alert management, access from anywhere) • Available as SaaS or on-premises • Includes free community tier • Does not centralize metric storage ...
GitHub Enterprise Managed Users (EMUs) are GitHub Enterprise Cloud accounts owned by companies and not individual users. The company’s GitHub administrators, control, manage, and audit these accounts. Using EMUs, you can connect your GitHub Enterprise Account to an identity pro...
REST Assured - Java DSL for easy testing for REST/HTTP services. Selenide - Concise API around Selenium to write stable and readable UI tests. Selenium - Portable software testing framework for web applications. Spock - JUnit-compatible framework featuring an expressive Groovy-derived specification la...
由于GitHub Enterprise的9200端口为绑定了一个ElasticSearch搜索服务,当使用关机命令时,该ElasticSearch服务不会对POST数据进行检查,因此,我们可随意对它的REST-ful API接口进行操作,可有如下DoS的PoC: http://0:9200/_shutdown/ 第2个漏洞 - 内部Graphite服务的SSRF ...
NewREST APIresources have been added. GraphQL APIschema has been updated. Newwebhook eventshave been added. GitHub Appshas been updated to access more API resources and GraphQL queries. GitHub Enterprise is now available in Azure Government. (updated 2018-10-18) ...