Experiences are curated bundles of pack partner products, GitHub tools, and other resources that are designed for you learn new skills and make the most out of the Student Developer Pack and your journey in GitHub Education. LaunchPad Intro to Copilot What is Copilot and how do you get ...
Experiences are curated bundles of pack partner products, GitHub tools, and other resources that are designed for you learn new skills and make the most out of the Student Developer Pack and your journey in GitHub Education. LaunchPad Intro to Copilot What is Copilot and how do you get ...
Experiences are curated bundles of pack partner products, GitHub tools, and other resources that are designed for you learn new skills and make the most out of the Student Developer Pack and your journey in GitHub Education. LaunchPad Intro to Copilot What is Copilot and how do you get ...
Learn to ship software like a pro.There's no substitute for hands-on experience. But for most students, real world tools can be cost-prohibitive. That's why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends. ...
关于Github学生包(GitHub Student Developer Pack) Github的学生包里包括Github Pro及Github Copilot等Github福利。 您也可以用Github的学生认证直接认证JetBrains的学生认证。 Github学生认证可以享受如:1Password(一年)、termius等的软件订阅权益。 同时也可以借由Github的学生认证申请一系列如Azure等云服务商的有期限免费额...
Github学生包(GitHub Student Developer Pack)是Github及其合作伙伴为学生开发者提供的一系列免费的开发资源和工具。包括辅助生成代码的AI助手Github Copilot,Jetbrains旗下的各种IDE,云服务器,域名和各类设计…
GitHub Student Developer Pack https://education.github.com/pack/ 申请指北 申请条件 目前就读于初高中、学院、大学、家庭学校或类似教育机构等可以授予学位或文凭的教育机构 有一个可验证的学校发布的电子邮件地址或上传文件,证明您当前的学生身份 年满13周岁 ...
Get the GitKraken Pro free through the GitHub Student Developer Pack! It includes GitKraken Client, CLI, Browser Extension and GitLens for VS Code + IntelliJ!
结论 GitHub Student Developer Pack 是全球学生的真正福利,开发者们可以在这个平台上获取超过100多种的开发者工具和服务,申请也相当简单。如果你是一位在学校接受教育的学生并正在寻找免费开发者工具和服务,GitHub 学生开发者包是个不错的选择。
GitHub Student Developer Pack怎么获取“学生包”?里面到底有什么呢?,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。