左边上面的红框表示版本回退,Revert "Game EightDigit",回退到Summary为Game EightDigit的版本。 版本回退操作,只需选定某个版本,点击右边红框处的Revert即可。该Revert可以跨版本回退,不用一步步回退。 Note: GitHub Desktop之前的版本好像是把它区分开。分为 Roll Back to this Commit Revert this Commit 这些说明...
GitHub Desktop/ Managing commits/ You can use GitHub Desktop to revert a specific commit to remove its changes from your branch. When you revert to a previous commit, the revert is also a commit. The original commit also remains in the repository's history. ...
像第一张图这样revert最近一次得修改点击之后文件直接就被改了,但是修改前几次得记录就会这样报错,然后打开VSCODE就发现第四张图的内容,在这里就可以选择是否保存这次修改,然后保存文件回到desktopcommit就可以,第三张的报错是为啥呀 贴吧包打听 Free 1 我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 首先,非...
版本回退操作,只需选定某个版本,点击右边红框处的Revert即可。该Revert可以跨版本回退,不用一步步回退。 Note: GitHub Desktop之前的版本好像是把它区分开。分为 Roll Back to this Commit Revert this Commit
The feature request For reasons too sad and complicated to explain, I contribute to a project that uses DCO signoffs. I add all these DCO signoffs to every single one of my commits. Recently I had reason to revert a commit. GitHub Deskto...
git revert [commit-SHA] “` – 提交您的更改并推送到GitHub: “` git push origin [branch-name] “` – 通过GitHub Desktop – 打开GitHub Desktop应用程序并选择要回滚的项目。 – 在左侧的”Current Branch”栏中,选择新创建的分支。 – 单击”Branch”菜单中的”Create Pull Request”。
Revert this commit 抵消(不是很理解和Undo的区别) Roll back to commit 回滚,适合于已经同步的内容 Sync 本地的代码,可以传到Github上 注意:可以传数据,但是一位工程师告诉我,这是另一套系统还是规则。现阶段估计我也理解不了吧。 简单的使用流程就是: ...
进行修改并推送使用你喜欢的文本编辑器(如 Atom)对项目进行一些更改,例如,你可以在 index.html 文件中添加你自己的 GitHub 用户名。当你准备好提交你的更改时,在 GitHub Desktop 中填入提交摘要并点击“Commit”按钮。 现在,你相当于已经告诉 Git,“好吧,我已经为更改提交了一个快照”。你可以继续做更多的更改,...
Manage your work-in-progress by saving changes that you’re not ready to commit to quite yet. This will maximize your efficiency, flexibility, and creativity. Maintain flexibility and seamless management of your codebase Make adjustments to update messages, incorporate new changes, or revert to ea...
Describe the feature or problem you’d like to solve When I want to revert a past commit (possibly a merged PR with quite a few file changes), I sometimes want to only revert certain changed files, and not all. Currently, in github deskto...