1. git log // 查询要回滚的 commit_id 2. git reset --hard commit_id // HEAD 就会指向此次的提交记录 3. git push origin HEAD --force // 强制推送到远端 1. 2. 3. 1.2、误删恢复 如果回滚代码之后发现复制错了 commit_id,或者误删了某次 commit 记录,也可以通过下方代码恢复: 1. git reflog ...
You can reset to commit up to the most recent commit that has already been pushed to the remote repository. To undo a pushed commit without disrupting the commit history for other contributors, you can revert the commit. For more information, see Reverting a commit in GitHub Desktop. If you...
git reset --hard XXX XXX是提交的时候自动生成的一长串字符 ,是唯一的 XXX字符实例 1.png 11.5 小技巧 git log 查看日志 git status 查看仓库状态 一般add commit push 后用 git commit -am 'message' add 和 commit 合二为一 11.6 提交指令 git init git clone 仓库地址 git add . 添加当前修改代码到...
3. github desktop客户端 在客户端中选择本地路径,点击创建仓库(repository),即可创建本地仓库 3.1 commit 提交 进入本地仓库的目录下,对文件进行修改,或者创建、删除文件后,客户端会将目录下的文件与本地仓库进行对比,在客户端上会显示文件的差异。 点击commit,并且填写comment描述修改的原因,然后客户端会显示No loc...
还可以单击 GitHub Desktop 克隆存储库并通过 GitHub Desktop 在本地编辑文件。 在文件名字段中,按照以下原则更改文件名: 若要将文件移动到子文件夹中,请键入所需的文件夹的名称,后跟 /。 新文件夹名称将变成导航层次结构中的新项目。 若要将文件移动到文件当前位置上方的目录中,请将光标置于文件名字段的开头,...
$ git commit -m"First commit"# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository. To remove this commit and modify the file, use 'git reset --soft HEAD~1' and commit and add the file again. 在GitHub.com 快速设置页面上的存储库顶部,选择“复制”按钮以复...
Description Amend last commit feature is very useful and exists in many git clients, but not in GitHub Desktop. It would be nice if we have it in GitHub Desktop too. Current workaround is click Undo and commit again but I've to carefully...
I've been experiencing an issue using GitHub Desktop on my Mac OS Monterey 12.6.1, in which I try pushing to a repo, but it's stuck on "Pushing to origin". This has been going on for the past few weeks. I've tried reinstalling GitHub Desktop and restarting my Mac, but the problem...
Could not find {file_path} from repository {repo_name} hosted on {host} using version {commit_sha}. One of the directories in the path contains too many files or subdirectories. 執行名稱通常包含導致 YAML 管線載入失敗的 BitBucket / GitHub 錯誤 沒有階段 / 作業 / 步驟深入...