When trying to clone any Repo within my organisation I get a "Permission Denied" Error. I've had access to all repo's before and was able to clone/push/pull without issue. Now all my repo's are gone from within the Github Desktop application. But I can see the repos on Github Web....
error: unable to read askpass response from '/Users/<path>/GitHub Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/app/static/ask-pass-trampoline.sh' fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabled 这个错误可能是多个事件造成的。 如果Command...
检查更新后出现 Could not create temporary directory: Permission denied 错误 此错误可能是由于缺失 ~/Library/Caches/com.github.GitHubClient.ShipIt 目录权限导致的。 GitHub Desktop 使用此目录创建和解压临时文件,作为更新应用程序的一部分。 要解决此错误,请按照以下步骤操作。 关闭GitHub Desktop。 打开...
Github SVN出来的项目 :Permission denied /Users/yourName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxx-awdrxvnerrticnczotqvdoifqvwl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/samael.build/Debug-iphoneos/xxx.build/Script-7A7E961938BDD80EB5845C75.sh: line 2: /Users/yourName/Desktop/Company/Dandan/branches/ios_内存优化/Po...
Trying to git pull with error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied 问题: 系统:Mac OSX 太久没有更新某一个repo了,今天突然有个文件要po到这个repo上,可是打开desktop一看是这样的情况: 点击publish结果也失败了,用terminal查看该文件夹发现.git文件没了,从Github再clone下来也失败了,不知道是不是...
The problem Hello I could not clone or create any new repositories. I am using GitHub desktop how can i solve this problem Release version Version 3.0.5 (x64) Operating system Windows 11 Steps to reproduce the behavior No response Log fi...
出现错误提示:Permission denied (publickey).因为新生成的key不能加入ssh就会导致连接不上github。 解决办法如下: 1、先输入$ ssh-agent,再输入$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_key,这样就可以了。 2、如果还是不行的话,输入ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_key 命令后出现报错Could not open a connection to your authentication...
Githubdesk 下载链接desktop.github.com/ 当然了你需要使用到梯子. 初始化仓库注意点 在github上初始化库的时候,如果选择了添加readme文件.那么初始化之后的库的主分支名为master而不是main. 因此如果你想让你的主分支名为main,那么需要你在库创建好之后再添加readme文件. ...
git克隆到'/Users/yus/Desktop/websites/h-s/vendor/xx/cache-bundle/xx/CacheBundle'.. 浏览2提问于2016-04-20得票数 0 1回答 私有BitBucket存储库下载 git、ssh、bitbucket 我正在查看这个,并试图实现一个文件的下载。 git archive --remote=ssh://git@bitbucket.org/steven/SH/downloads.git -...
In below section, I am writing step by step how I pushed the code in Github repo successfully Follow the given below steps from where(Desktop/Server) you want to push the code into Github repo : Step 1: Clone the github repo into your system. (You should first create a repo in Github...