8. 创建新分支和合并分支:使用GitHub桌面,您可以轻松地创建新的分支并在不同分支之间进行切换。点击界面右上角的“Current branch”按钮,选择“New branch”来创建新分支。当您在不同分支中进行开发后,您可以使用“Current branch”按钮来切换分支。同时,您可以使用“Branch”菜单中的“Merge into current branch”选...
首先打开branch选项,点击merge into curren branch(当前处于master分支,永远都是把其他分支merge到当前!) 然后选择一个分支,就是我们的create_learn3,点击merge into master 你会发现多了一个commit,他是从我们create_learn3分支继承过来的\ 最后再看看我们的文件夹 真的多了learn3.txt呢! 三、GitHub Desktop + 码...
1.这个项目本身已经是Git仓库,比如在这个项目使用git命令行执行过git init命令,这种情况下,直接点击蓝色字"add this repository"点击"add repository"即可 2.这个项目上一层文件夹已经是Git仓库,很显然我并不想要把上一个文件夹作为仓库引入GitHub Desktop,因为我的上一层文件夹是eclipse的workspace,包含很多项目,但是...
I am trying to merge a branch into the current branch using Ctrl + Shift + M, but the pop-up never shows. It's working properly on macOS, but not on my windows machine. Other shortcuts work. Release version 3.4.5 (x64) Operating system Windows 11 Professional (10.0.22631 Build 10.0...
将一个分支与master分支进行合并:首先把分支切到主分支master下,点击branch菜单然后选择要合并的分支–>点击merge into current branch合并分支 然后删除new-branch这个分支,然后publish,最后到github上查看如下,从下面可以看到现在刚刚在分支上添加的内容现在已经在master分支上了:...
点击其中的merge into curren branch(当前处于master分支,永远都是把其他分支merge到当前!) ,然后选择一个分支,就是我们的create_learn3 点击merge into master,你会发现多了一个commit,他是从我们create_learn3分支继承过来的 最后再看看我们的文件夹 真的多了learn3.txt呢!
此时在本地分支master下选择Merge into current branch,点击本地分支new-branch,点击Merge into master...
Once you're satisfied with your work, you can create a pull request to merge your changes in the current branch into another branch. For more information, seeCreating an issue or pull request from GitHub DesktopandAbout pull requests.
You can install this alongside your existing GitHub Desktop for Mac or GitHub Desktop for Windows application.NOTE: there is no current migration path to import your existing repositories into the new application - you can drag-and-drop your repositories from disk onto the application to get ...
issue里有个create branch,然后在github desktop里打开(每个issue都有对应分支,在issue里可以查看分支名) Commit your changes ,提交报错convetional commit:https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/#what-is-commitlint,可以参考github提交记录里的Summary ...