wget -qO - https://mirror.mwt.me/shiftkey-desktop/gpgkey | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/mwt-desktop.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mwt-desktop.gpg] https://mirror.mwt.me/shiftkey-desktop/deb/ any main" > /et...
GitHub Desktop- The Linux Fork GitHub Desktopis an open sourceElectron-based GitHub app. It is written inTypeScriptand usesReact. What is this repository for? This repository contains specific patches on top of the upstreamdesktop/desktoprepository to support Linux usage. ...
只需在对应的项目中点击“Fork”按钮,然后就可以看到该项目在自己的账号中了。 。 三、Desktop 的安装 一般情况我们还需要将代码下载到本地,用编译工具去修改,这就有同步代码到网上仓库的问题,很多人介绍使用msysgit和它的客户端,但是我弄了好久都没有弄好(配置啊,SSH Key啊,FQ下载啊,奔溃了)。后来用desktop才...
点击Confirm merge按钮。 merge以后,fork项目就和原仓库同步了。
windows用户可以使用Chocolatey包管理器进行安装(需要下载):c:\> choco install github-desktop macOS用户可以使用Homebrew把管理其进行安装:$ brew cask install github Arch Linux可以通过AUR进行安装. 社区办可以与多个版本的GitHub Desktop共存. 注意: 目前没有将现有存储库导入新应用的迁移路径,您可以将存储库从磁盘...
Desktop versions usesciteror Flutter for GUI, this tutorial is for Sciter only. Please download sciter dynamic library yourself. Windows|Linux|MacOS Raw steps to build Prepare your Rust development env and C++ build env Installvcpkg, and setVCPKG_ROOTenv variable correctly ...
Method 1: Install GitHub Desktop via.debPackage While GitHub officially supports only Windows and macOS, Linux users can access the platform through a “shiftkey/desktop project.” This fork provides Linux-compatible packages for various distributions. ...
CSBook:计算机类常用电子书整理,并且附带下载链接,包括Java,Python,Linux,Go,C,C++,数据结构与算法,人工智能,计算机基础,面试,设计模式,数据库,前端等书籍。 首先,进入 GitHub 个人主页: 如上图所示,点击 mybatis-tutorial 项目: 如上图所示,进入mybatis-tutorial项目后,点击Clone or download,复制上图所示的地址...
If you work on your codespaces in the VS Code desktop application, or the web client, you can add any extensions you need from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. For information on how extensions run in GitHub Codespaces, see Supporting Remote Development and GitHub Codespaces in the VS Code...
1.先访问要下载的仓库的地址,点击fork (fork会把这个仓库复制一份到你的github账号的名下)。 2.访问 gitee 网站:https://gitee.com/并登录,在顶部选择“从 GitHub/GitLab 导入仓库”。在导入页面中粘贴你的Github仓库地址,导入即可。 3.接着选择我们需要下载或浏览的项目导入,等待几十秒一般就从GitHub上复制过...