sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[shiftkey]\nname=GitHub Desktop\nbaseurl=\$basearch\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0\nrepo_gpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc/zypp/repos.d/shiftkey-desktop.repo' 如果你想使用美国的镜像 sudo sh -c...
GitHub is a free service used to host software code and projects using Git system version control. The service is used by companies like Facebook, Microsoft, VMware, Mozilla and many others. Download GitHub Desktop for Windows, Linux, and Mac. ...
Linux版GithubDesktop仓库: 将本仓库中Linux文件夹下的main.js和renderer.js复制替换本地GithubDesktop的资源目录 本地GithubDesktop资源目录一般为:/usr/lib/github-desktop/resources/app 视频教程:
GitHub Desktop Whether you're new to Git or a seasoned user, GitHub Desktop simplifies your development workflow. Download now The ultimate GUI Git clientfor streamlining and enhancing your local code management process Review code changes with precision ...
$ sudo apt install github-desktop Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora distributions To setup the package repository, run these commands: $ sudo rpm --import $ sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[shiftkey]\nname=GitHub Desktop\nbaseurl=
在官网上可以下载,。 我的FQ网速太慢了,招了一个离线安装包,亲测可以用, 2、整体的界面 安装好后打开 用你的GitHub账号登陆。(需要注意的是,Github for Windows会帮你创建SSH Key,你打开邮件应该会收到邮件帮你创建SSH Key的信...
ubuntu 安装 github desktop,sudowget
Arch Linux users can install GitHub Desktop from the AUR.gnome-keyring is required and the daemon must be launched either at login or when the X server is started. Normally this is handled by a display manager, but in other cases following the instructions found on the Arch Wiki will fix...
Updating this issue with response from @billygriffin from the GitHub Desktop team (updated early 2021): We have no immediate plans to support an official Linux version, but we continue to evaluate it alongside our other priorities and we...