Create : mkdir <build directory> Compile: cd <build directory> cmake -S <cloned desktop repo> -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<dependencies> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. -DNEXTCLOUD_DEV=ON Tip The cmake variabel NEXTCLOUD_DEV allows you to run your own build of...
./ \ BOARD=bananapim5 \ BRANCH=current \ RELEASE=jammy \ BUILD_MINIMAL=yes \ BUILD_DESKTOP=no \ KERNEL_CONFIGURE=noBuild with GitHub actions: (advanced version)name: "Build Armbian" on: workflow_dispatch: jobs: build-armbian: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: armbian/build...
Github Desktop(方便操作) Git(必须) 安装上面的工具。 使用VScode,打开克隆的仓库的根目录,打开终端,执行下面命令,结束后部署完成。 bundle 4.本地调试 使用VScode,在仓库的根目录,打开终端,执行下面命令。 bundle exec jekyll s 打开浏览器,进入127.0.0.1:4000/ 就可以看到自己的网站了。 之后就可以在发布之前本...
A terminal GitHub Desktop I don't know Clone the repository Go to the folder where you want to store your project, and clone the new repository: ~$git clone Hello World Enter the project folder and add an index.html file: ...
Create a reference (Preview) Creates a reference for your repository. You are unable to create new references for empty repositories, even if the commit SHA-1 hash used exists. Empty repositories are repositories without branches. Create a repository dispatch event (Preview) This operation is ...
Parsing the Dockerfile reveals the base image tag used to build the image. By knowing the base image tags used, Docker Scout can detect whether the tag is outdated, meaning it's been changed to a different image digest. For example, say you're usingalpine:3.18as your base image, and at...
分别在user和order两个分支下创立文件,然后提交: 然后会发现在我们主分支的目录下是没有文件的,只在各自的目录下显示: 现在我们把他俩合并到主目录下: 同样的把user也合并。 合并成功后会发现主分支的目录下有了这两个文件。 【4】标签 右键选择create tag: 创建标签完成: `...
By default, GitHub Desktop will push the tag that you create to your repository with the associated commit. For more information, seeManaging tags in GitHub Desktop. At the bottom of the list of changes, in the Summary field, type a short, meaningful commit message. Optionally, you can ...
Clone in Desktop 启动GitHub专用的客户端应用程序进行clone。GitHub专用的客户端应用程序有Windows和Mac版。以及直接下载仓库的ZIP包 commits,查看当前分支的提交历史,左边的数字表示提交数 branches,查看仓库的分支列表,左边的数字表示当前拥有的分支数 releases 显示仓库的标签(Tag)列表。同时可以将标签加入时文件以归档形...
如果自承载 Windows 运行器未安装 PowerShell Core,则改用 PowerShell Desktop。 pwsh -command ". '{0}'"。 Windows powershell PowerShell 桌面。 GitHub 将扩展名 .ps1 追加到你的脚本名称。 powershell -command ". '{0}'"。 使用相同名称定义了多个默认设置时,GitHub 会使用最具体的默认设置。 ...