一、通过GitHub Desktop 上传项目到GitHub 1、首先在使用Xcode创建一个工程 ,打开GitHub Desktop 工具,点击下图的“+”号,会弹出下图。选择“Add -> Choose”选择工程所在路径。也可以“Create”和“Clone”,目的都是一样就是将我们需要的项目路径加载到GitHub Desktop中,以便我们使用。 2、完成上步之后,我们可以去...
You can also create a branch starting from a previous commit in a branch's history. This can be helpful if you need to return to an earlier view of the repository to investigate a bug, or to create a hot fix on top of your latest release. Once you're satisfied with your ...
After installing GitHub Desktop and signing into GitHub or GitHub Enterprise you can create and clone a tutorial repository. The tutorial will introduce the basics of working with Git and GitHub, including installing a text editor, creating a branch, making a commit, pushing to GitHub, and openin...
Assume that there are changes in the feature branch in the local repository. We can merge the changes to the master branch. Post this we should push the changes of the master and feature branch to GitHub. Make a change to a file in the feature branch and commit the same. Push the chan...
问题描述:在使用github desktop客户端提交代码时,网页版不显示conotribution 解决方法:原因是客户端未正确关联邮箱,查看项目的commit人时候是你自己的用户名,正确的应该是显示你自己的用户名,并且可以点击改用户名(apurplrisnull为正确用户名,可以点击) ,之前的用LuBo提交的代码并没有显示contibution ...
genSud/desktop master 33Branches50Tags Code This branch is27315 commits behinddesktop/desktop:development. Folders and files Latest commit niik Merge pull requestdesktop#2196from desktop/update-issue-template Jul 11, 2017 2c13654·Jul 11, 2017...
GitHub Desktop reverted the commit, but without any interface asking me to manually sign off, and the reverted commits failed the DCO test. The repo I was working in forbade the recommended git push --force ... action. I ended up manually collecting my changes, blowing away the branch, ...
./git config --global commit.gpgsigntrue 至此,你就可以使用GPG,在GitHub Desktop中对代码进行签名了~ 常见问题: 1. GitHub网页端显示为“Unverified”(如下图所示): “Unverified”标识 检查一下你是否将你的GPG公钥导入至GitHub账户中,你可以点击GitHub账户头像,选择“Settings”,再点击“SSH and GPG keys ”...
Github的核心就是版本控制,其涉及到生成不同版本的操作,就是commit。 一次commit会生成一个版本号(commit,40位),而父版本号(parent),就是记录版本先后顺序的提示信息。下图就是一次commit的界面。 一次commit的界面 版本号的妙用,后面再说。 002 Github Desktop ...
1. git log // 查找要删除的前一次提交的 commit_id 2. git rebase -i commit_id // 将 commit_id 替换成复制的值 3. 进入 Vim 编辑模式,将要删除的 commit 前面的 `pick` 改成 `drop` 4. 保存并退出 Vim 1. 2. 3. 4. 这样就完成了。