Create a repo Fork a repo Be social Setup About commit email addresses Setting your commit email address on GitHub Setting your commit email address in Git Setting your username in Git Dealing with line endings Supported browsers About GitHub ...
選取它以流覽至服務連線屬性。 服務連線的屬性會指出所使用的連線類型: Azure Pipelines 應用程式 指出GitHub 應用程式連線 oauth 表示OAuth 連線 personalaccesstoken 表示PAT 驗證如何將管線切換為使用 GitHub 應用程式,而不是 OAuth?使用GitHub 應用程式,而不是 OAuth 或 PAT 連線,是 GitHub 與 Azure Pipelines ...
Creating a personal access token for the command line Reviewing your SSH keys Reviewing your authorized applications (OAuth) Reviewing your security log Removing sensitive data from a repository Sudo mode Preventing unauthorized access Securing your account with two-factor authentication (2FA) ...
az ad app federated-credential create --id <APPLICATION-OBJECT-ID> --parameters credential.json ("credential.json" contains the following content) { "name": "<CREDENTIAL-NAME>", "issuer": "", "subject": "repo:organization/repository:ref:refs/heads/...
Rho-1 base models employ Selective Language Modeling (SLM) for pretraining, which selectively trains on clean and useful tokens that aligned with the desired distribution. Selective Lanugage Modeling (SLM) Figure 2:Upper:Even an extensively filtered pretraining corpus contains token-level noise.Left:...
token.go token_test.go transport.go transport_test.go Repository files navigation README BSD-3-Clause license OAuth2 for Go oauth2 package contains a client implementation for OAuth 2.0 spec. See for further documentation and examples. ...
Could not fetch, please create a GitHub OAuth token to go over the API rate limit Head to
动态获取源端github的repos,但仅同步名为hub-mirror-action,不同步hashes这个repo到Gittee 代码语言:javascript 复制 -name:Single repo mirroruses:Yikun/hub-mirror-action@masterwith:src:github/Yikundst:gitee/yikunkerodst_key:secrets.GITEE_PRIVATE_KEYdst_token:secrets.GITEE_TOKENwhite_list:"hub-mirror-acti...
To build a simple vector store index using non-OpenAI LLMs, e.g. Llama 2 hosted onReplicate, where you can easily create a free trial API token: importos os.environ["REPLICATE_API_TOKEN"] ="YOUR_REPLICATE_API_TOKEN"fromllama_index.coreimportSettings, VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReaderfr...