e.启用CoPilot 进入https://github.com/settings/copilot,选择"start free trial" 选择“Get access to Github Copilot” 此时你就可以在vscode、pycharm等IDE上登录你的github账号免费使用copilot插件了。
上传成功后,你的学校邮箱会收到通过的邮件 四、安装和使用GitHub Copilot 阅读GitHub Copilot的使用文档,了解如何安装和使用GitHub Copilot。 打开VsCode,到扩展商店搜索Copilot并安装。 安装成功后,点击“Start a free trial with GitHub Copilot”,如果你已拥有GitHub学生包,只需勾选相关配置,保存即可享受Copilot服...
I am a student, can I get access to GitHub Copilot for free? Yes, if you are a student within our GitHub Global Campus Program, you get access to GitHub Copilot for free through the Student Developer Pack. If you are a GitHub Global Campus Student then you will see that GitHub Copil...
使用Copilot 具体使用说明文档详见 https://docs.github.com/en/copilot/getting-started-with-github-copilot/getting-started-with-github-copilot-in-visual-studio-code 打开VsCode ,扩展商店搜索Copilot,第一个星星多的就是,安装扩展 安装好之后,如图点击 Start a free trial with GitHub Copilot 会跳转到一...
How to verify if you are eligible for a free GitHub Copilot subscription? To determine your eligibility for a complimentary GitHub Copilot subscription, you can confirm whether you’re a verified student, teacher, or maintainer of a popular open-source project. As a student, you may obtain fr...
先来简单给大家演示一下使用 Github Copilot 的效果是怎样的。Case 代码生成一假设我们这里有个 Student 类,其中有三个属性,分别是姓名,年龄和性别,代码很简单,我这里就不贴出来了,然后我们通过一个 main 方法来进行测试。这里可以看到,我们在写代码的时候,只要写好注释,然后按下回车过后,Github Copilot ...
Learn how to use Copilot Pro for free as a student, teacher, or open-source maintainer. About free GitHub Copilot Pro access There are three ways to qualify for free access to Copilot Pro: As a verified student on GitHub Education.To l...
申请链接:https://docs.github.com/en/education/explore-the-benefits-of-teaching-and-learning-with-github-education/github-global-campus-for-students/apply-to-github-global-campus-as-a-student 二、如何安装 首先,需要有 GitHub 账号 然后,到https://github.com/settings/copilot启用 ...
If you are a verified student, teacher, or maintainer of a popular open source project, GitHub Copilot is free to use. See "Getting free access to Copilot as a student, teacher, or maintainer." As an organization owner, you can purchase a subscription to GitHub Copilot Business for your...
Free access to tools: Jump-start your development journey with the GitHub Student Developer Pack, offering dozens of premium tools and services at no cost. From GitHub Copilot’s AI-powered coding assistance to GitHub Codespaces, which provide a fully configured cloud development environment, these...