firefoxinstagramchromeyoutubegoogleprivacytypescripttwitterredditwebextensionredirectsearxtiktokinvidiousnitterpipedtedditwhooglelibredditproxitok UpdatedJul 31, 2024 TypeScript A Firefox Add-on redirecting to privacy-friendly alternatives: ...
Reddit Top RSS 1206 Tumblr RSS fix Tumblr RSS feed with original-size image 289 Feed Analytics Feedburner 1013, 1281 FeedPress 235 Feedburner alternatives 441 Feedio 678 725, 729, 1019 WordPress plugins MailPoet 170 : deliver RSS content on specific time. Feedzy RSS Feeds for Wor...
A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives. firefox instagram youtube privacy twitter google-maps openstreetmap chromium webextension invidious nitter privacy-redirect bibliogram privacy-friendly-alternatives Updated Sep 5, 2023...
niturobert/gmailkit - A reddit client if reddit was made by the gmail team. cf-pages/Telegraph-Image - Image Hosting solution, Flickr/imgur alternative, make it easy for users to share their images. Using Cloudflare Pages and Telegraph. sofish/typo.css - 中文网页重设与排版:一致化浏览器排版...
You can use these alternatives to avoid trackers and have a more minimalistic and lightweight UI:Librarian - An alternative frontend for LBRY/Odysee. Inspired by Invidious and Libreddit.Quora⛔ Quora's website has ads and trackers that are used to get your data which is then sold/shared ...
awesome-alternatives –Mostly free and open source alternatives to proprietary software and services. awesome-ama-answers –@stoeffel's AMA answers awesome-amazon-alexa –Resources for the Amazon Alexa platform. awesome-amazon-seller –Tools and resources for Amazon sellers. awesome-analytics –Analytics...
You might be eligible to apply for a free licence under the student category if you’re enrolled in a part-time course. Finally, if any of the steps are not appropriate for you, there are multiple open-source alternatives to GitHub Co-pilot, ...
Performance Co-Pilot - a system performance analysis toolkit. hexyl - a command-line hex viewer. Austin - Python frame stack sampler for CPython. ▪️ Log Analyzers angle-grinder - slice and dice log files on the command line. lnav - log file navigator with search and automatic refresh....
Free and Open Source Photo Libraries open-sourcephotospicturesscreenshotslistgallerycross-platformimagesfossself-hostedapplicationscomparisonfreephotophoto-librarypicture-vieweralternativesphoto-storage UpdatedFeb 8, 2025 HTML unsplash/unsplash-js Star2.2k ...
Freenet is a software platform that makes it easy to create decentralized alternatives to today's centralized tech companies. These decentralized apps will be easy to use, scalable, and secured through cryptography. To learn more about Freenet as a developer readThe User Manual. For an introducti...