此外,用Microsoft Authenticator是更简单的方式。 (3) 申请 Github Copilot 学生认证:https://education.github.com/discount_requests/application 将Github Copilot 集成在Visual Studio Code: 参考文档:Installing the GitHub Copilot extension in your environment - GitHub Docs 在VS Code 拓展商店里搜索 GitHub Co...
I signed up for GitHub Copilot for Education on account A and enabled two-factor authentication (2FA) using an app. Later, I changed devices and lost access to the 2FA app, so I couldn’t log in to account A. To resolve this, I removed my school email from account A and created a...
(1)github申请学生认证--为了用上GitHub Copilot--附不在学校异地申请方法 (2)Github学生认证最后一步证明类型卡住 (3)https://docs.github.com/en/education/explore-the-benefits-of-teaching-and-learning-with-github-education/github-global-campus-for-students/apply-to-github-global-campus-as-a-student ...
As software and technologies continue to evolve, also Github platform and services are constantly evolving. In this blog post, I wish to show you how the latest Git tools,GitHub CodespacesandGitHub Copilot, cantransformandsupportthe world ofeducation. In the following video, you'll be ...
GitHub Copilot is now available for free.Learn more GitHub Education GitHub Education bridges the gap between coding education and a tech career, and is accessible to everyone globally at no cost. Join GitHub Education More than a platform.GitHub Education is a commitment to bringing tech and op...
这也就是我为什么迟迟不认证 Github 学生的原因,其实说白了就是没必要。但就在前段时间 github copilot 不是内测结束了,然后要开始收费了,收费标准 一个月10/一年100。这费用对于我本不富裕的生活雪上加霜。而 coplot 对教育认证有免费资格使用,于是乎就有了此次较为艰辛的 github 学生认证。
Education SectorThe official Microsoft community for IT Professionals in EducationGitHub Copilot26 Topics Most RecentMost ViewedMost Likes Use GitHub Copilot Agent Mode to create a Copilot Chat application in 5 minutes GitHub Copilot just got an upgrade—Agent Mode is here. 🚀 With GitHub Copilo...
GitHub Education 学生还可获得以下 GitHub 权益。 GitHub Copilot:通过验证的学生可免费订阅 GitHub Copilot。 请参阅以学生、教师或维护者身份免费访问 Copilot Pro。 GitHub Codespaces:经过验证的学生可以免费使用其个人帐户的 GitHub Codespaces,每月最多可使用 180 个核心小时。 学生每月可用的存储量和核心使用小时...
GitHub Copilot can help you code by offering autocomplete-style suggestions right in VS Code and Codespaces.Step 1: Leverage Codespaces with VS Code for CopilotWelcome to "Develop With AI Powered Code Suggestions Using GitHub Copilot and VS Code"! 👋GitHub...
(2)在侧边栏的 “代码、计划和自动化” 部分,单击 Copilot,出现 GitHub Copilot 窗口如下。(3)在 GitHub Copilot 设置页面,选择启用 GitHub Copilot,就是上图中的 Try Copilot free for 60 days按钮。(4)接下来会弹出付款计划,需要选择"按月付款"或"按年付款",选择后继续操作,就是下图中的 Get accesss...