To quickly compare two commits or Git Object IDs (OIDs) directly with each other in a two-dot diff comparison on GitHub, edit the URL of your repository's "Comparing changes" page. For example, this URL uses the shortened SHA codes to compare commitsf75c570and3391dcc:
When the pull request is merged, the base branch is updated with the changes from the compare branch. Also known as the "head branch" of the pull request. continuous integration Also known as CI. A process that runs automated builds and tests once a person commits a change to a ...
Test your changes by running pnpm test <package to test> where <package to test> is the name of your package. You need to run this from the DefinitelyTyped directory because individual package.jsons don't define test scripts. This script uses dtslint to run the TypeScript compiler against ...
Ignores bsdd:allowedValue, bsdd:connectedPropertyCode, bsdd:countryOfUse because these multi-valued fields are not so easy to compare (separate queries would be needed for this) Ignores bsdd:textFormat because we saw only invalid values, such as “” and “F.001”Valid...
In a pull request, you can review and discuss commits, changed files, and the differences (or "diff") between the files in the base and compare branches. Filtering files in a pull request To help you quickly review changes in a large pull request, you can filter changed files or use th...
Compare two commits List repository languages List repository tags List repositories for a user How can I try it? To access this functionality, you’ll need to provide the following custommedia typein theAcceptheader: application/vnd.github.machine-man-preview+json ...
created byLinus Torvaldsin 2005. If you need a revision or a lookup on Git, do visit our previousscreencast courseor evensome posts. Also, you should already have a Github account and did some basic functions such as creating a repository and pushing changes to Github. If not, head over ...
commit Record changes to the repository diff Show changes between commits,commit and working tree,etc merge Join two or more development histories together rebase Reapply commits on topofanother base tip tag Create,list,deleteor verify a tag object signedwithGPGcollaborate(see also:git help workflows...
❯ npx lint-staged --help Usage: lint-staged [options] Options: -V, --version output the version number --allow-empty allow empty commits when tasks revert all staged changes (default: false) -p, --concurrent <number|boolean> the number of tasks to run concurrently, or false for ...
A tool that can be used to verify BC breaks between two versions of a PHP library. Pre-requisites/assumptions Your project uses git Your project uses composer.json to define its dependencies All source paths are covered by an "autoload" section in composer.json Changes need to be committed ...