When you make a PR to edit an existing package, dt-bot should @-mention the package's owners. If it doesn't, you can do so yourself in the comment associated with the PR. Create a new package If you are the library author and your package is written in TypeScript, bundle the gener...
Code Issues Pull requests A doc comment standard for TypeScript markdownsyntaxparserdocumentationtypescriptjsdocspecificationcommentsdoc-commentsrushstack UpdatedDec 10, 2024 TypeScript The AsyncAPI specification allows you to create machine-readable definitions of your asynchronous APIs. ...
{/number}", "issue_comment_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/jquery/jquery/issues/comments/{number}", "contents_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/jquery/jquery/contents/{+path}", "compare_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/jquery/jquery/compare/{base}...{head}", "merges_...
You can disable the rule MD011 on that specific line by adding the following comment. (^|/)[Cc]+odespace/ <!-- markdownlint-disable-line MD011 --> If the line you're trying to ignore is in a code block, you can ignore the code block by surrounding it with the following ...
Add support for AR5BBU22 [0489:e03c] by ReeJK · Pull Request #17 · torvalds/linux https://github.com/torvalds/linux/pull/17#issuecomment-5654674 你们仍未掌握那天所学的 git 知识 https://yonghaowu.github.io/2017/06/18/TheGitYouShouldKnow/ ...
已经有人帮我们做好了上述结果的解析,我们不必重复造轮子。同时,论文查询的方式也更加优雅。在这里我们推荐的是arxiv.py[5]。 首先安装arxiv.py: pip install arxiv 1. 然后在Python脚本中import arxiv即可。
For more information, see Creating and highlighting code blocks. If you are frequently editing code snippets and tables, you may benefit from enabling a fixed-width font in all comment fields on GitHub. For more information, see About writing and formatting on GitHub. Supported color models In ...
Head Reference repo base.repo RepositoryMiniDetails A git repository Pull Request Base Sha base.sha string Head Sha user base.user UserDetailsModel Properties of a GitHub user. Pull RequestAuthor Association author_association string Author's association with the subject of the comment. Is Pu...
review_comment_url string プル要求のレビュー コメント URL です。 プル要求の差分 URL comments_url uri プル要求の差分 URL。 プル要求の状態 URL statuses_url uri プル要求の状態 URL。 プル要求番号 number integer リポジトリにあるプル要求を一意に識別する番号。 プル要求の状態 state ...
Some links:*Commit:[remarkjs/remark@`e1aa9f6`](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/commit/e1aa9f6c02de18b9459b7d269712bcb50183ce89)*Commit comment:[remarkjs/remark@`ac63bc3`(comment)](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/commit/ac63bc3abacf14cf08ca5e2d8f1f8e88a7b9015c#commitcomment-...