当你在某次提交解决了其他人提出的issue时,你可以使用github中的语法实现自动操作。 以下是动作命令 close closes closed fix fixes fixed resolve resolves resolved 命令需要指定操作目标,我们可以使用#XXX(XXX是需要操作的目标issue的ID)指定。 举例子: 在此次提交中关闭第八号 issue,你可以在commit信息里写到 代码...
如果commit 是针对某个 issue,可以在 footer 关闭这个 issue。 ## 关闭单个 Closes #234 ## 关闭多个 Closes #123, #245, #992 Revert 如果commit 用于撤销之前的 commit,这个 commit 就应该以revert:开头,后面是撤销这个 commit 的 header。在 body 里面应该写This reverts commit <hash>.,其中的 hash 是...
这里还有一个好处是,commit log 里面的#XXGitHub 会显示成指向对应 Issue 的链接,对应地 Issue 里面也会出现这条 Issue 被哪个 commit 引用的提示。 更屌炸天的是,类似fixed #XX这样的,GitHub 还会自动帮你把那条 Issue 给 close 掉。 其实最重要一点,commit log 是给人类看的,说清楚就好,不必太过拘谨,更...
close #21 📌 PR Checklist PR이 다음 요구 사항을 충족하는지 확인하세요. 관련 label을 선택했습니다. 변경 사항에 대한 로컬 테스트를 했습니다.(버그 수정/기능에 대한 테스트). 머지할 ...
want to do is carefully explain the contents of the Git commit. The latest Visual Studio preview is here to help. Use the new generated Git commit message feature to help you describe your set of changes. You can then refine the message with “why” the change was made and commit. ...
The open or close state of an issue. Can be one of open or closed. ChangeReason state_reason string The reason for change of state. milestones milestone string Number of milestones to associate with issue. labels labels array of string labels associated with the issue. assignees assignees...
name: Create issue on commit on: [ push ] jobs: create_commit: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: issues: write steps: - name: Create issue using REST API run: | curl --request POST \ --url http(s)://[hostname]/api/v3/repos/${{ github.repository ...
以解决问题为导向,就是有什么需求就直接给自己的 repo 建一个 issue 作为 Story Card,了却这个需求的最终形态就是 close 掉这个 Issue,比如我要写这篇文章就始于这个 issue:基于GitHub 的敏捷学习方法总结 · Issue #36。GitHub issues 的进阶用法 与此同时,新建 issue 还有更高级的用法,也就是通过 ISSUE_...
Tom: You can’t draw that conclusion. And so now you start drawing a false conclusion about how, you know, was this issue pasted through Hacker news. And did someone incite the mob to upload this thing. Which is actually not that important but just really resonated with the mob. OK?