默认获取整个仓库,但是如果你加上 --depth=xxx 那xxx就代表最近的xxx个commit会被克隆 git clone --...
通过以下命令clone一个想要想改的裸仓库: # user:github账号 # repo.git: 仓库名称 git clone --bare https://github.com/user/repo.git cd repo.git 复制粘贴脚本,并根据你的信息修改以下变量: OLD_EMAIL CORRECT_NAME CORRECT_EMAIL 脚本: #!/bin/sh git filter-branch --env-filter ' OLD_EMAIL="you...
在"Your old repository's clone URL"(旧存储库的克隆 URL)下,输入要导入的项目的 URL。 选择拥有存储库的用户帐户或组织,然后在 GitHub 上键入存储库的名称。 指定新存储库是“公共”还是“专用” 。 有关详细信息,请查看设置存储库可见性。 检查你输入的信息,然后选择“开始导入”。
If you have included sensitive information in a commit message, force pushing a commit with an amended commit may not remove the original commit from GitHub. The old commit will not be a part of a subsequent clone; however, it may still be cached on GitHub and accessible via the commit ID...
$ git clone git@github.com:ant-design/ant-design.git $cdant-design $ npm install $ npm start Let's build a better antd together. We warmly invite contributions from everyone. Before you get started, please take a moment to review ourContributing Guide. Feel free to share your ideas throu...
git clone --bare https://github.com/user/your-repo.git cd your-repo.git 3、在git bash执行以下两个脚本 第一个脚本:修改以前邮箱用错的commit记录 gitfilter-branch --env-filter' OLD_EMAIL="错误的邮箱"CORRECT_NAME="github用户名"CORRECT_EMAIL="github邮箱"if["$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL"="$OLD_EMAI...
git clonehttps://github.com/username/repository.git “` 2. 进入克隆的仓库目录: “` cd repository “` 3. 检查仓库的历史记录,可以使用以下命令: “` git log “` 4. 找到你想要删除的历史记录的SHA值(commit hash)。 5. 执行以下命令,用`commit hash`替换`xxxxx`: ...
git commit -am "Initial commit" 接着删除旧的分支,并把新建的分支名改成旧分支名称,推到远程仓库就行了。 代码语言:txt 复制 # git branch -D <old-branch-name> git branch -m <old-branch-name> git push -f origin <old-branch-name>
git commit -m "add fiele" 最后使用git push即可提交修改 git常用场景命令 1:克隆远程仓库:比如说本人在github上注册了一个账户,里面建立了一个仓库C_math,别的同学可以通过使用SSH或者HTTP协议来复制命令,(SSH克隆方式一般需要添加公钥到github),克隆这个仓库的命令如下: git clone git@github.com:xgqdut2016/...
If you are using C++ or otherwise need to build protobuf from source as a part of your project, you should pin to a release commit on a release branch.This is because even release branches can experience some instability in between release commits....