GitHub CLI 仓库地址 [[Github CLI]] 是一个非常好用的命令行工具,可以让开发者通过命令行于 GitHub 进行无缝的协同工作,也就是我们直接在命令行终端上就可以进行 pull requests、issues 等其他功能。 基于我目前处于 2.0 版本,主要介绍 2.0 的使用: C:\Users\smile>gh version gh version 2.20.0 (2022-11-...
创建拉取请求以提议和协作处理对存储库的更改。 这些更改在分支中提议,以确保默认分支只包含已完成和已批准的工作。 谁可以使用此功能? Anyone with read access to a repository can create a pull request. Platform navigation Mac Windows Tool navigation GitHub CLI Desktop Web browser ...
创建、管理 pull request 更亮眼的功能,当然是直接在命令行里创建、管理 PR 和 issue。 创建新的 pull request: gh pr create 如果这时你没有创建分支,GitHub CLI 会自动创建分支,并 push 这一分支。 push之后,想看看自己的 PR 有没有被 merge,只需要在终端里输入: gh pr status 检出PR 也很简单: gh pr...
We’re going to go over the process of creating and submitting a GitHub pull request using the legendary cross-platform GitKraken Git GUI, before going over the process in the CLI. “GitKraken has a nice UI for pull requests and tells you which branch you’re on and which branch the PR ...
Create Pull Request At this point, you are ready to make a pull request to the original repository. You should navigate to your forked repository, and press theNew pull requestbutton on your left-hand side of the page. You can modify the branch on the next screen. On either side you ca...
工具 packages,今天我们要为大家介绍的是近来 GitHub 发布的又一个非常有用的工具: GitHub CLI,可以让开发者通过命令行与 GitHub 进行无缝的协同工作,也就是我们直接在命令行终端上就可以进行 pull requests、issues 等其他功能,现在已经发布 Beta 版本,我们可以在 macOS、Windows 或者 Linux 平台上安装 GitHub CLI...
🛠️ webpack-based tooling for Vue.js Development. Contribute to vuejs/vue-cli development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub CLI gh is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code.GitHub CLI is supported for users on, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server 2.20+...
在Azure CLI中使用az ad sp create-for-rbac命令创建服务主体。 请使用 Azure 门户中的Azure Cloud Shell或选择“试用”按钮运行此命令。 Azure CLI az ad sp create-for-rbac--name"myML"--rolecontributor \--scopes/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<group-name>\--json-auth ...
python -m pdb qlib/workflow/ examples/benchmarks/LightGBM/workflow_config_lightgbm_Alpha158.yaml The result ofqrunis as follows, please refer toIntraday Tradingfor more details about the result. 'The following are analysis results of the excess return without cost.'risk mean 0.000708 std ...