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Localization.sublime-settings Main.sublime-menu messages.json README MIT license Chinese Localization Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese Translation for Sublime Text 3. Support MainMenu TabMenu ContextMenu,etc. ...
Simplified Chinese Spanish German Korean If you configure the language on your device to a supported language, GitHub Mobile will default to the language. You can change the language for GitHub Mobile in GitHub Mobile'sSettingsmenu. GitHub Mobile automatically enables Universal Links for iOS. When ...
I18n support (Chinese and English currently); Support for setting import and export functions (One-key cloning); Listen to notifications of other Apps and forward; Forward to PushPlus; Support for customized template of forwarding rules (default template overrides if left blank); ...
Firstly, we need to enable the advanced settings to enable image provider which need to be configured later. Secondly, please set the language to Chinese. Douban provider will not work in other language. Thirdly, please enable "Douban TV Provider" for your libraries. Besides, it's "Douban Mo...
可以使用上下文切换器在每个帐户的计费设置之间切换。 请参阅“在不同帐户的设置之间切换”。 每个帐户的计费是订阅和基于使用情况的计费的组合。 订阅包括帐户的计划(例如 GitHub Pro 或 GitHub Team),以及每月费用一致的付费产品,例如 GitHub Copilot 和来自 GitHub Marketplace 的应用。 当付费产品的费用取决于你...
A Zotero add-on to retrive CNKI meta data. 一个简单的Zotero 插件,用于识别中文元数据 - l0o0/jasminum
🇨🇳 Chinese: cn - Contributed by @FormatToday 🇨🇿 Czech: cs - Contributed by @Tuzi555 🇩🇰 Danish: da - Contributed by @lordpansar 🇳🇱 Dutch: nl - Contributed by @evroon 🇫🇷 French: fr - Contributed by @EVOTk 🇩🇪 German: de - Contributed by @Niklashere 🇬...
repository.xbmc-addons-chinese-2.0.1.zipfor Kodi 19 and newer 然后And then: 进入Kodi系统 Launch Kodi 选择 系统-设置-插件 Navigate to System | Settings | Add-ons 选择 从zip文件安装 Select Install from zip file 浏览目录找到刚下载的zip安装包 Browse to the directory where the new downloaded zi...
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