Older versions of the noreply email address that do not contain a numeric ID will not be associated with your GitHub account after changing your username. Warning After a username change, verified commits signed using the previous GitHub-provided noreply email address will lose ...
Then, obtain trusted root keys for Sigstore. You will use the 5th iteration of Sigstore's TUF root to start the root of trust, due to a backwards incompatible change. curl -o sigstore-root.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sigstore/root-signing/main/ceremony/2022-10-18/repository/5....
Option duplicates can be used to change the behavior when duplicate keys are encountered assert.deepEqual(qs.parse('foo=bar&foo=baz'), { foo: ['bar', 'baz'] }); assert.deepEqual(qs.parse('foo=bar&foo=baz', { duplicates: 'combine' }), { foo: ['bar', 'baz'] }); assert.deepEq...
Older versions of the noreply email address that do not contain a numeric ID will not be associated with your GitHub account after changing your username. Warning After a username change, verified commits signed using the previous GitHub-provided noreply email address will lose their "Verified" ...
During an import, you can match commits in your repository with the GitHub account of the commit author. GitHub Importer looks for GitHub users whose email addresses match the authors of the commits in the repository you're importing. You can then connect a commit to its author using their ...
During an import, you can match commits in your repository with the GitHub account of the commit author. GitHub Importer looks for GitHub users whose email addresses match the authors of the commits in the repository you're importing. You can then connect a commit to its author using their ...
Code can change the world. 关注 120 人赞同了该回答 对于编程来说,最重要的还是编程思想。怎样提高代码复用率,怎样降低各个模块间的耦合度,怎样设计才能让程序层次清晰,代码干净。这是我们应该思考的,我们应该考虑清楚再去着手开发。既然是面向对象,那么对象就是一个个的资源,按照资源来划分模块。资源间的操作...
在 Github 帮助手册有关 Commit 绿点的出现原理中要求到:“The email address used for the commits is associated with your GitHub account.”,这要求我们每个 Commit 的作者 ID、邮箱号必须和我们当前用户 ID、邮箱号一致,命令行输入git log可以看到仓库所有提交的作者信息都是旧信息,也因此绑定不到 Github 的...
=== Patreon WordPress === Contributors: patreon, codebard Tags: patreon, membership, members Requires at least: 4.0 Requires PHP: 7.4 Tested up to: 6.7.1 Stable tag: 1.9.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.htmlConnect your WordPress site to Patreo...
Even though many engineers will complain that product managers change their minds, almost none will account for that in their time estimates. Computer science programs aren’t about preparing you for the tasks you’ll face in industry. When there are more engineers than can be used, engineering...