Repro repoDir="pathtoexistingrepo"r,err:=git.PlainOpen(repoDir)iferr!=nil{returnerr}branchToDelete="test"branches,err:=r.Branches()err=branches.ForEach(func(b*plumbing.Reference)error{ifb.Name().String()==branchToDelete{fmt.Println("Found the branch")err=r.DeleteBranch(b.Name().String(...
Gitea version (or commit ref):1.1.0 Git version: Operating system: Ubuntu Database (use [x]): PostgreSQL MySQL MSSQL SQLite Can you reproduce the bug at Yes (provide example URL)
删除分支 git push origin --delete <branchName> 查看分支 git branch -v 切换分支 git checkout 合并分支 git merge 在线库管理 新建远程库别名 删除远程库 推送修改 git 指令集 克隆代码到本地 本地库报错 在线库添加 ssh 密钥时,使用 gedit 报错cannot open display: 复制密钥到在线库,提交时报错Key is ...
Of course, you candelete a remote branch using Git. But if you are relying on GitHub, you can also delete a branch directly from GitHub web interface in very simple steps. Here's how to that. Deleting a branch on GitHub Go to your Repository and click on the branch button at the top...
The browser interface allows you to delete (and create) remote branches. To do this, you need to navigate to the main page of the repository in your browser and then click the "#branches" link. On the branches overview page, you can then choose a branch to delete: ...
Select Commit changes. Select Commit directly to the main branch. Select Commit new file (or Commit changes).Updating either the workflow file or Bicep file triggers the workflow. The workflow starts right after you commit the changes.Check...
Anyway I pushed to GitHub and deleted the local branch. On GitHub I now have the master and experimental both pointing to the same point. Is there any need for the experimental branch on GitHub anymore. I have deleted it locally. How do I delete it on GitHub?
git branch -d crazy-experiment 1. 如果这个branch没有merge到主分支, 上面的命令会输出如下错误信息: error: The branch 'crazy-experiment' is not fully merged. If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D crazy-experiment'. ...
When you delete a remote branch (or a local branch, for that matter), the branch disappears from your GitHub workflow. You'll no longer be able to track or view the branch, and the branch will be removed from your remote repository.Related...
The browser interface allows you to delete (and create) remote branches. To do this, you need to navigate to the main page of the repository in your browser and then click the "#branches" link. On the branches overview page, you can then choose a branch to delete: ...