Welcome to the Basic C Programs repository This collection of C programs is designed to help both beginners and intermediate programmers learn and practice the fundamentals of the C programming language. cprogrammingbasic-cc-programmingcprogramscprogramingcforbeginners ...
19.c-projects-for-beginners 难度程度:初级。 项目链接:https://github.com/karan/Projects 这个项目收集了一些适合 C 语言初学者的小项目,例如简单的文本处理、数学计算、数据结构的基本操作等。每个小项目都相对独立,代码量不大,易于理解和修改,能够帮助初学者快速上手 C 语言编程,巩固基础语法和编程思维。 20....
Simple, Short and Sweet beginners friendly C language programs - GitHub - rm10078/beginners-C-program-examples: Simple, Short and Sweet beginners friendly C language programs
GitHubis a cloud software development platform. It is commonly used for saving files, tracking changes, and collaborating on development projects. In recent years, GitHub has become the most popular social platform for software development communities. Individuals can contribute to open-source projects ...
3d-game-shaders-for-beginners 是一个手把手教你一步步实践,从 SSAO、着色、光影处理、法线贴图(凸凹贴图的一种表现)带你体验 3D 游戏的制作。 GitHub 地址→https://github.com/lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners 1.2 写个操作系统:rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials ...
项目链接:https://github.com/Kalutu/cpp-projects-for-everybody 这个项目可以帮助初学者熟悉 C/C++ 的基本编程概念,如数据结构、文件操作和用户界面设计(如果有)。同时,通过扩展项目的功能,可以锻炼开发者的编程能力和问题解决能力。 15.word-counter
I've had to deal with this in a few projects and I've learned a thing or two about work/life/oss balance. I have a few tricks that help you make the project manage itself a bit more while still being friendly and helpful to users of the project. Let's chat. Keywords open source...
:zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes 124 MunGell/awesome-for-beginners 70.451k A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects. 125 fighting41love/funNLP Python 70.332k 中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽...
https://www.udemy.com/python-for-finance-and-trading-algorithms/ **年度开源Python项目 **[平均4,078星] 链接: https://medium.mybridge.co/30-amazing-python-projects-for-the-past-year-v-2018-9c310b04cdb3 机器学习年度最佳文章 链接: https://medium.mybridge.co/learn-to-build-a-machine-learnin...
GitHub 地址→https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus 2.3 Windows 工具集:PowerToys 本周star 增长数:3000+ PowerToys 是微软开发者开发的免费实用工具集,可以用于高级用户调整和简化Windows操作,以提高效率。2019 年 5 月,微软宣布以官方名义重启该项目。微软表示,此次重启对 PowerToys 的研发,将会提供一些提...