Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains. - GitHub - blockscout/blockscout: Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
Public monorepo for the Block Protocol. What is the Block Protocol? The Block Protocol is an open standard for building, using and embedding data-driven blocks. Blocks developed in accordance with the protocol allow you to make websites and applications that are both more useful to and readable...
review过程就是通过pull request功能实现的。
Boards within GitHub that are made up of issues, pull requests, and notes that are categorized as cards in columns. protected branch Protected branches block several features of Git on a branch that a repository administrator chooses to protect. They can't be force pushed, deleted, have changes...
GitKraken Desktop is the most popular Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux, offering both a GUI and terminal interface. Deep integration with GitHub repos and issues enable interactive pull request management and issue management directly in the client. ...
Optionally, to suggest a specific change to the line or lines, click, then edit the text within the suggestion block. To comment directly on a file, to the right of the file, clickand type your comment. When you're done, clickStart a review. If you...
如果你想写一个 code block,你可以在开始处写三个反引号,然后 GitHub 会试图猜出你在写什么语言。 但是如果你发布如 Vue、Type、JSX 这样的语言,你可以明确写出来,以获取正确的高亮。 下图第一行使用了```jsx: 片段呈现: (这可以扩展到 gist,顺便一提,如果你给了 gist 定义成 .jsx 扩展名,那么你会得到...
围栏代码块fenced code block 你可以在代码块前后使用三个反引号 ```,通过 GitHub Flavored Markdown 创建缩进代码块。 获取fetch 在使用git fetch时,你将从远程仓库添加更改到本地工作分支,而不提交它们。与git pull不同,提取可让你在更改提交到本地分支之前先进行审查。 跟进...
– 打开要屏蔽用户评论的Issue或Pull Request页面; – 在评论区找到要屏蔽的用户的用户名; – 悬停在该用户名上,会显示一个小三角形图标,点击该图标; – 在弹出的菜单中选择”Block this user”(屏蔽该用户); –GitHub会提示你确认是否屏蔽该用户,确认后该用户将被屏蔽,其评论将不再显示。
Anyone in your team can temporarily block merging Scheduled Freezes Schedule recurring freezes so you can’t merge at certain times of the day, week or month. Web API Access the current Merge Freeze status of your repository or trigger a freeze using our API. App...