See error notification showing:Sign in failed: Error: No auth flow succeeded. Update:The auth seems to work fine on; only able to reproduce the issue in axosoft-ramintmentioned this issueOct 10, 2023 Still doesn't work on github.devgitkraken/vscode-gitlens#2957 ...
Hi! The authentication through GitHub does not work (the authentication with Microsoft works). VSCode Version: Version: 1.66.2 Commit: dfd34e8260c270da74b5c2d86d61aee4b6d56977 Date: 2022-04-11T07:49:24.808Z Electron: 17.2.0 Chromium: 98...
我尝试过使用vsCode来连接git,在commit途中加载很久,最后出现弹窗显示: 解决方法 实际上命令行的报错已经给出了原因以及解决方法: 2021年8月13日移除对密码认证的支持。请改用个人访问令牌。详情请见https://github. blog/2020-12-15-token-authentic ation-requirements-for-git-operations/ 说明我们当前使用的是密码...
[settingssync] [info] Request failed {"url":"","status":401,"execution-id":"bbf1a818-0556-46db-aa3b-2da51e10ef6f"} [settingssync] [info] Settings Sync auth token failed githubfalse[settingssync] [info] Request failed {"url":"https:/...
一、报错信息 使用账号密码配置 , 出现如下错误 ; 代码语言:javascript 复制 Can‘t login using given credentials:Request response:401Unauthorized-Response:401Unauthorized-Requires authentication 二、解决方案 如果确认账号密码对的话 , 可以不用理会 , 正常设置即可 ; ...
通常,当我使用GitHub桌面克隆一个存储库时,我能够在VSCode中从终端运行常用的git命令。我得到以下错误:remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository ' 浏览0提问于2021-11-05得票数 0 2回答 IntelliJ IDEA GitHub集成创建了存储库,但得到了试图推送的“无法授权”错误 、、 我...
GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 最近vscode 打开驾驶员的时候发现登不上了,自己看了下原来是需要配置 hosts 文件。 mac :找到 访达 -> Shift + Command + G -> 调出对话框后输入 /etc/hosts -> 在当前文件夹用 vim 或其...
再次打开vscode,Commond s保存,选择Install All,出现以下内容则表示成功: Tools environment:GOPATH=/Users/xxx/goInstalling7tools at/Users/xxx/go/bin in module mode.gotests gomodifytags impl goplay dlv staticcheck gopls Installing
简介:vscode关于vue项目无法将文件push到github的错误命令 错误提示一: remote:nvalid username or password . fatal: Authentication failed for "httos:// github Q .com/linweigian/master.git/ 错误提示二: fatal: origin' does not appear to be a git repository ...
vscode关于vue项目无法将文件push到github的错误命令 错误提示一:remote:nvalid username or password .fatal: Authentication failed for "httos:// github Q .com/linweigian/master.git/错误提示二:fatal: origin' does not appear to be a git repositoryfatal: Coul... 文章...