A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your Windows experience. This script works for both Windows 10 and Windows 11. windows privacy ...
Describe the bug Build of app on Windows 11 succeeds but app exits immediately. I have successfully built and run this app: https://github.com/wildwestrom/tauri-shadow-cljs on WSL for Windows 11. Reproduction On Windows 11: 1 Clone https...
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Downloads - msysgit - Git for Windows code.google.com/p/torto sourcetreeapp.com/ 然后建议再看看 git-flow --> 一个成功的Git分支模型 介绍:A successful Git branching model 翻译:juvenxu.com/2010/11/28/ 工具:nvie/gitflow · GitHub git-flow 备忘清单 最后,你若需要本地搭建一个,那就用GITLAB:...
github ios 第三方库 github iphone app 整理| 夕颜 【导读】据外媒 VentureBeat 报道,在 11 月 13 日举行的 GitHub Universe 上,微软宣布了面向程序员和开发人员的一系列升级,包括针对 iOS 智能手机和 iPad 推出的 GitHub 移动应用程序。而 Android 应用也将于 2020 年初发布。
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Windows: 支持 WINDOWS 7 及以后版本 Win64 安装包: RabbitRemoteControl_v0.0.31_win64_msvc2022_64_qt6.8.1_Setup.exe Download from Github Download from sourceforge MD5SUM 文件: RabbitRemoteControl_v0.0.31_win64_msvc2022_64_qt6.8.1_Setup.exe.md5sum Download from Github Download from source...
Windows 11 ONLY (do NOT use this app on Windows 10) Download and installing Download directly from GitHub Click here to download the latest version of ThisIsWin11 Installation Install fromScoop: scoop bucket add extras scoop install thisiswin11 ...
🧰 Windows Community Toolkit 7.x The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions, custom controls, and app services. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer patterns when building experiences for Windows 10 and Windows 11. It contains components and helpers for both UWP an...
TLC for Readme.md (#359) Dec 5, 2022 README Code of conduct MIT license Security The Windows File Manager lives again and runs as a native x86, x64 and arm64 desktop app on all currently supported version of Windows, including Windows 11. I welcome your thoughts, comments and suggestion...