在网页上包含标记中的“/packages/alpinejs/dist/cdn.js”文件,您就可以开始了! 简短教程 在本地克隆后,可以在该repo的根目录中使用npm install安装所有内容。 这个回购是一个使用npm工作区管理软件包的"mono-repo"。每个包在“/packages”目录中都有自己的文件夹。 不必为每个包运行单独的构建,而是使用相同的...
Include the/packages/alpinejs/dist/cdn.jsfile from atag on a webpage and you're good to go! Brief Tour You can get everything installed with:npm installin the root directory of this repo after cloning it locally. This repo is a "mono-repo" using npm workspaces for managing the package...
Alpine.js A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. Popular repositoriesLoading alpinealpinePublic A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. HTML29.2k1.3k alpine-nextalpine-nextPublic archive...
That's it. It will initialize itself. From NPM: Install the package from NPM. npm i alpinejs Include it in your script. import Alpine from 'alpinejs' For IE11, polyfills will need to be provided. Please load the following scripts before the Alpine script above. ...
A TALL (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel and Livewire) Preset for Laravel laravellivewirelaravel-frontend-presetstailwindcssalpinejs UpdatedNov 6, 2024 Blade HDInnovations/UNIT3D-Community-Edition Star2k Code Issues Pull requests Private Torrent Tracker Built With Laravel, Livewire and AlpineJS. ...
That's it. It will initialize itself. From NPM: Install the package from NPM. npm i alpinejs Include it in your script. import Alpine from 'alpinejs' For IE11, polyfills will need to be provided. Please load the following scripts before the Alpine script above. ...
TailwindCSS/AlpineJS Laravel Splitter Component This project consists of two Laravel components that splits content into draggable windows. There is a component for the horizontal splitter, and another for the vertical splitter. It currently uses the following NPM packages: tailwindcss alpinejs alpine...
Alpine.js Alpine.js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. You get to keep your DOM, and sprinkle in behavior as you see fit. Think of it like Tailwind for JavaScript. Note: This tool's syntax is almost entirely borrowed...
npm i alpinejsInclude it in your script.import 'alpinejs'For IE11 support Use the following scripts instead. The pattern above is the module/nomodule pattern that will result in the modern bundle automatically loaded on modern browsers, and the IE11 bundle loaded automatically on IE11 and...
Include the /packages/alpinejs/dist/cdn.js file from a tag on a webpage and you're good to go! Brief Tour You can get everything installed with: npm install in the root directory of this repo after cloning it locally. This repo is a "mono-repo" using npm workspaces for managing ...