Workflow triggers are defined with theonkey. For more information, seeWorkflow syntax for GitHub Actions. The following steps occur to trigger a workflow run: An event occurs on your repository. The event has an associated commit SHA and Git ref. ...
ChildRepo仓库push提交,能够触发ParentRepo调用相关的workflow进行编译操作。 解决方案: 通过Github api,发送repository dispatch event. Repository_dispatch event是一个webhook event, 可以用来触发github action workflow。 Sample Code ChildRepo/.github/workflows/triggerevents.yml name: Dispatch Event on: [...
For example, theissue_commentevent has thecreated,edited, anddeletedactivity types. If your workflow triggers on thelabelevent, it will run whenever a label is created, edited, or deleted. If you specify thecreatedactivity type for thelabelevent, your workflow will run when a label is ...
GItHub Actions是一个持续集成和持续交付的平台,能够让你自动化你的编译、测试和部署流程。GitHub 提供 Linux、Windows 和 macOS 虚拟机来运行您的工作流程,或者您可以在自己的数据中心或云基础架构中托管自己的自托管运行器。它是 GitHub 于2018年10月推出的持续集成服务。 基本概念 workflow (工作流程):持续集成一次...
This action triggers another GitHub Actions workflow, using theworkflow_dispatchevent. The workflow must be configured for this event type e.g.on: [workflow_dispatch] This allows you to chain workflows, the classic use case is have a CI build workflow, trigger a CD release/deploy workflow whe...
These are the workflow files for helping people get started with GitHub Actions. They're presented whenever you start to create a new GitHub Actions workflow. If you want to get started with GitHub Actions, you can use these starter workflows by clicking the "Actions" tab in the repository ...
nektos/act 执行日志: dispatch log part 1 dispatch log part 2 对照GitHub Action Web UI的流程图: 本地workflow随改随测的优势不言而喻. GitHub CLI gh workflow list gh workflow run dashboard-deploy.yml ...
GitHub Actions 术语 workflow 文件 2.on 几个完整的 workflow 文件的范例 一 二 实例1、通过GitHub Actions给微信公众测试号定时推送消息(Python) 1、微信公众号步骤 2、github步骤 实例2、通过GitHub Actions给钉钉群聊机器人定时推送消息(Python) 1、钉钉步骤 文本TEXT 链接LINK markdown...
name:AworkflowformyHelloWorldfileon:pushjobs:build:name:Helloworldactionruns-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:- uses:actions/checkout@v1- uses:./action-awith:MY_NAME:"Mona" 请注意on:属性。 这是一个用于指定此工作流运行时间的触发器。 在此处,它会在有到存储库的推送事件时触发运行。 你可...
name:AworkflowformyHelloWorldfileon:pushjobs:build:name:Helloworldactionruns-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:- uses:actions/checkout@v1- uses:./action-awith:MY_NAME:"Mona" 请注意on:属性。 这是一个用于指定此工作流运行时间的触发器。 在此处,它会在有到存储库的推送事件时触发运行。 你可以指...