有关 with 语法的详细信息,请参阅“GitHub Actions 的工作流语法”。 inputs: num-octocats: description: 'Number of Octocats' required: false default: '1' octocat-eye-color: description: 'Eye color of the Octocats' required: true 当指定输入时,GitHub 将为输入创建一个名为 INPUT_<VARIABLE_...
vous devez utiliser le caractère d’échappement\avec chacun de ces caractères spéciaux. Pour plus d’informations sur les modèles glob, consultez «Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions».
Withcontainer actions, the environment is part of the action's code. These actions can only be run in a Linux environment that GitHub hosts. Container actions support many different languages. JavaScript actionsdon't include the environment in the code. You'll have to specify the environment ...
全部指令,参考官方:[[https:/docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@2.22/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstepsuses%20|Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs]] Actions Marketplace:GitHub Marketplace · Actions to improve your workflow uraimo/run-on-arch-action-...
You can format text in comments using the sameMarkdown syntaxas the GitHub web interface: on:pull_request_targetjobs:welcome:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -uses:actions/github-script@v7with:script:|// Get a list of all issues created by the PR opener// See: https://octokit.github.io/rest...
secretsin GitHub Actions 警告:默认情况下,变量在构建输出中呈现未屏蔽的状态。 如果你需要更高的安全性来保护敏感信息(例如密码),请改用机密。 steps:-name:Helloworldactionwith:# Set the secret as an inputsuper_secret:${{secrets.SuperSecret}}env:# Or as an environment variablesuper_secret:${{secrets...
CautionThis library performs client-side escaping, as this is a library to generate SQL strings on the client side. The syntax for functions likemysql.formatmay look similar to a prepared statement, but it is not and the escaping rules from this module are used to generate a resulting SQL ...
Thepathsandpaths-ignorekeywords accept glob patterns that use the*and**wildcard characters to match more than one path name. For more information, see theWorkflow syntax for GitHub Actions. Example: Including paths If at least one path matches a pattern in thepathsfilter, the workflow runs. Fo...
For more information about shells, see Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions. Naming conventions for environment variables When you set an environment variable, you cannot use any of the default environment variable names. For a complete list of default environment variables, see Default environment ...
How to use the variable? It is automatically exploited when using configure'' and make'' ices, and user doesn't have to take any actions. This means that the configure command that'll be run will be: ./configure --prefix=$ZPFX The default location used for $ZPFX is: ~/.local/share...