In the.github/workflowsdirectory, create a file with the.ymlor.yamlextension. This tutorial will usegithub-actions-demo.ymlas the file name. For more information, see “Creating new files.” 在.github/workflows目录中,创建一个扩展名为.yml或.yaml的文件。本教程将使用github-actions-demo.yml作为文...
GitHub Actions 是一个持续集成和持续交付 (CI/CD) 平台,可用于自动执行构建、测试和部署管道。 您可以创建工作流程来构建和测试存储库的每个拉取请求,或将合并的拉取请求部署到生产环境。 GitHub Actions 不仅仅是 DevOps,还允许您在存储库中发生其他事件时运行工作流程。 例如,您可以运行工作流程,以便在有人在您...
如果需要持续或长期运行的数据库托管,请考虑其他服务,或在受控环境中设置自托管的 GitHub Runner,并确保遵守 GitHub 使用协议。 核心思路 核心思路是: 使用GitHub Actions 执行临时计算:按需启动兼容 MySQL 的数据库,作为 CI/CD 或测试工作流的一部分。 兼容S3 的对象存储持久化:将数据库的数据存储在对象存储(如 A...
(mlrun). However, to use MLRun from Python code (such as in the demo and tutorial notebooks), you also need to install theMLRun Python package(mlrun). The version of the installed package must match the version of the platform's MLRun service and must be updated whenever the service'...
# NPM npm install typesafe-actions # YARN yarn add typesafe-actions⇧ back to topTutorial v4 (v5 is WIP #188)To showcase the flexibility and the power of the type-safety provided by this library, let's build the most common parts of a typical todo-app using a Redux architecture:...
NOTE:This sample was originally built from a tutorial published on theMicrosoft Graph tutorialspage. That tutorial has been removed. Prerequisites To run the completed project in this folder, you need the following: Ruby SQLite3 This sample was written for Ruby 3.1.2. ...
如果此目录尚不存在,请在 GitHub 上的存储库中创建一个.github/workflows目录。该目录必须具有此确切名称,GitHub 才能发现它包含的任何 GitHub Actions 工作流程。 In the.github/workflowsdirectory, create a file with the.ymlor.yamlextension. This tutorial will usegithub-actions-demo.ymlas the file name. ...
In this tutorial, you will be creating a simple model-driven app to deploy using GitHub Actions for Microsoft Power Platform in the next tutorial. Create a model-driven app In the next tutorial, you will learn how to: Export and deploy your app using application lifecycle management (ALM) ...
Go to the GitHub page: Select the repository, in this case, "git-demo" and get the url as shown in the picture below: We set the short for the remote repository: uploading - git push Finally, we're ready to upload. We'll usepush.git pushupdates remote refs using local refs, while...
Demo地址: StickyListHeaders GroupName滑动到顶端时会固定不动直到另外一个GroupName到达顶端的ExpandListView,支持快速滑动,支持Android2.3及以上 项目地址: ...