The Step interface doesn't currently expose an option forworking-directoryon a specific job step ( It appears you can work around it with a hack: ({'name':'synth cdk8s','working-dire...
defaults: run: shell: bash working-directory: scripts jobs 工作流程运行包括一项或多项作业。 作业默认是并行运行。 要按顺序运行作业,您可以使用 <job_id>needs 关键词在其他作业上定义依赖项。 每个作业在 runs-on 指定的运行器环境中运行。 在工作流程的使用限制之内可运行无限数量的作业。 更多信息请参阅...
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@374ee96751fffe528c09b5f427848da60469bb55 with: # important to specify working directory here to accommodate monorepo task-definition: ${{ inputs.working-directory }}/task-definition.json container-name: ${{ secrets.CONTAINER_NAME }} image: ...
-name:Clean temp directoryrun:rm-rf *working-directory:./temp 注意上面 yaml 中声明多行字符串的|语法,更多内容可见。 push to origin 构建时如果需要使用 git 命令,如进行 commit 并 push,可在actions/checkout中直接使用。 如使用内置的 token 推送 commit: on:pushjobs:bui...
Github actions Artifact除了可以不同job共享文件,也可以手动到Github Action下载文件,比如编译打包后的文件。只是Github只帮忙保存30天,不是永久保存的。 定义环境变量 job定义环境变量 代码语言:javascript 复制 jobs:job1:env:FIRST_NAME:Mona复制代码 step定义环境变量 ...
runs.steps[*].working-directory Optional Specifies the working directory where the command is run. runs.steps[*].uses Optional Selects an action to run as part of a step in your job. An action is a reusable unit of code. You can use an action defined in the same repository as ...
:learn-github-actionson:[workflow_dispatch]jobs:say-hello:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:- name:'Run a one-line command'run:echo"hello from GitHub Actions"- name:'Run a multi-line command'run:| echo "We'll add more steps soon." echo "For example, we'll add our Bicep deployme...
actions 是可以联合收割机以创建作业和自定义工作流的单个任务。您可以创建自己的操作,或使用和自定义GitHub社区共享的操作。 可以通过编写自定义代码来创建操作,这些代码可以以您喜欢的任何方式与您的存储库进行交互,包括与GitHub的API和任何公开可用的第三方API集成。
execA reference to the@actions/execpackage requireA proxy wrapper around the normal Node.jsrequireto enable requiring relative paths (relative to the current working directory) and requiring npm packages installed in the current working directory. If for some reason you need the non-wrappedrequire, ...
To create a workflow, you add actions to a .yml file in the.github/workflowsdirectory in your GitHub repository. In the exercise coming up, your workflow filemain.ymlwill look like this: ymlCopy name:AworkflowformyHelloWorldfileon:pushjobs:build:name:Helloworldactionruns-on:ubuntu-latestste...